Drunk words are sober thoughts..

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Draco's POV

It's been a week since she left her dorm...

A week since our encounter...

And did I mention that she's avoiding me like plague?

If I haven't well now you know... and it's killing me every time I see her and not being able to hold her close...

It also makes my blood boil when guys try to woo her or flirt with her...

I just want to beat them up and tell them to back off my girl...

My girl... well she used to be my girl... now she's just a memory...

I was with Blaise in the Slytherin common room along with Theo as well...

We were drinking a few bottles of firewhiskey and by a few... I mean a lot...

"Mate... that's enough..." Blaise tells me a little drunk

"No mate... just a few more and I'm good..." I drunkenly slurred...

"C'mon mate, you've had enough.." he tried to snatch the bottle away from me but I snatched it back...

"Blaise... let me be... I need this..." I tell him...

He just sighs then finally lets go of the bottle


After a few more bottles Blaise and Theo finally got me to go back to my common room...

I drunkenly made my way inside our common room, after a few drunk steps I didn't even make it to my dorm when I became a little lightheaded and my body starting to get heavy...

But all I remembered before my eyesight became black was my name being called...


Then I finally felt my body hit the cold floor...

Hermione's POV

I was in my room minding my own business when I heard the portrait door being shut

'Dra-Malfoy, must be back...' I thought to myself...

Hmm... it's been a week since our encounter... and I'm okay...

Well, no... not really... it's still hard but I can't let him get to me...

Not again...

*sighed* 'this is harder than I thought'

I thought ignoring him would be easy but no...

I still want to be with him after everything he's done to me!

What's wrong with me?!

As I was having a debate with myself I heard some noise down the common room so I decided to check it out...

As I was making my way down I saw Dra- Malfoy... he looks like he's drunk, and a bit tipsy...

I was about to ask if he was okay then all of a sudden he fainted!

"Draco!" I screamed

I rushed towards him right away his temperature is really hot! His fever must've skyrocketed

I quickly levitated him to his room, I quickly replaced his clothes with some new ones since the ones he's wearing smell like alcohol

I went to our conjoined bathroom and took a rag and a small bucket

I filled the small bucket with water and made my way back to his room

I placed the wet rag on his forehead, I was about to touch his neck but he quickly grabbed my wrist and said...

"Hey! No touching! I have a girlfriend okay?" He drunkenly slurred...

"Oh wait, I forgot I don't have a girlfriend anymore... but still don't touch me! I'm trying to win her back..." he says again

I was in shock... is he talking about me?... and what does he mean 'going to win me back??'

"Uh, w-who's your girlfriend?" I ask him, I thought it sounded stupid cause he's drunk and half asleep

And I kinda know who...

"The one and only Hermione Granger!" He says smiling

"Oh, I love her so much! But I did something stupid!.... now I lost her... and it's all my fucking fault!" He says, this time a tear slides down his cheek...

"I fucking loved her since I saw her in her dress during the Yule Ball... she looked amazing!... I wanted to ask her to dance but I know I couldn't... I was too much of a coward back then, I still am..." he says sadly chuckling at the last part.. 'I didn't know he fancied me during the Yule ball'... I say to myself

Then his tone suddenly becomes serious...

"And during my sixth year... I finally had the guts to apologize to her and maybe ask her out, but instead of asking her out I became a deatheater... then the war... w-when they got captured... oh I was shitting myself... and when s-she got t-tortured..." tears start falling freely from his eyes...

"I have nightmares of her screams... how she looked at me for help... I was too much of a coward... I was too scared that's why I couldn't help her... I watched the life and happiness out of her eyes disappear..."

"And when we got back... I saw her smiling... and it made me smile... she was happy again, but then Weasley cheated on her, and the Bet started then I thought I finally have a chance then I finally got her... but I just had to fuck it all up again... now I lost her... and it's killing me every fucking day"

I just sit there crying...

I miss him to, only if he knew...

"Oh, I still love you Hermione... I never stopped loving you..." he says before he finally drifts off to sleep...

I smiled to myself...

"I still love you too Draco..."

I whispered, and with that I left his room...

'I still love you Draco... I never stopped..' I say to myself...

Heyyy! So I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Thank you soooo much to everyone who's been reading my book! I appreciate it soooo much☺️❤️ and it's sad that this book only has a few chapter left before the epilogue!😭 I'm crying!!😭



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