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      She remembered the day she first saw him. The lockers a navy blue, the people complaining about their lives. The sky a french grey blending in with the clouds.

          She was wearing a muted blue hoodie, her long, dark brown hair a mess, and her brown eyes unimpressed by what she saw.

          But not him though, no he was the only one she didn't find anything negative about. His smile practically lightning up the room. His light brown hair and hazel nut eyes mixing with his baby pink pastel hoodie.

          She looked away for a second and looked back at him to see him staring at her. She could of sworn he was angel and he was somehow blessing her just by staring at her. She awkwardly looked away not wanting to embarrass herself as she headed to her next class. She didn't bother looking about when she heard a commotion. She just looked straight ahead afraid that if she looked back she might try to talk to him.

          Although, she thought, I wouldn't have minded.

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