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She remembered how everyday she would find that same lightly colored, boarded with strawberries paper in her navy blue locker. She kept it all in a folder so she could look back on them. She started to realize that she started to feel a bit more happier nowadays.

She was busy still trying to figure out who the mysterious writer was when she had bumped into someone she quickly muttered sorry but she stopped when out of the corner of her eye she saw a baby pink pastel hoodie.

She took a second to observe him, her eyes landing on the strawberry milk he was holding. Before she backed out she said, "do you like strawberries?" She heard him say yes in a soft voices and she nodded and continued to move. Before she could stop herself she whispered, cute.

She blushed as she didn't want to look back despite hearing a crash. She didn't know what courage she had to say cute but she did.

Although, she thought, I wouldn't mind telling him he's cute.

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