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She didn’t move for hours after he had left. The High Priest had mentioned meeting the God…but being kissed by him? Sure it wasn’t a ‘real’ kiss, but it still counted. What did this mean for her? Did he favour her? But how? She hadn’t done anything! She wasn’t a hero or even particularly strong mage. There were thousands of Aire monks in the universe, why pick on her? Talk to her, she corrected herself. She shouldn’t be ungrateful. But she didn’t want attention! She just wanted to learn and continue her life as she always had – in peace. She was living her dream, she had no more aspirations in her life. But now...why? What was so special about her that the Gods themselves were interested in her? Well…one god. Her god. The god she would spend the rest of her life praising. But that relationship was supposed to be one way. There were very few people who had talked to their god. She only knew of one – a hero named Safia. But to be fair, she was a demigoddess. And it was the fire goddess who had communicated with Safia; it was much more common for Fyre and Earthe to talk to their disciples. Even Oceane had talked to her followers more than Aire had. Ava frowned. The High Priest had mentioned others who had talked to Aire. Maybe there was some sort of record… Her mind made up, she stood up and made her way to the library. 

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