The first task

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Erika: Riley. You okay?
Riley: Yeah. Why?
Erika: Mmmm..... Just. Wonderin' how to. Uh.... Hold your breath under water for half an hour?
Riley: I tried asking professor Longbottom and professor Slughorn if they had any gillyweed that I can have. But.
Erika: But?
Riley: But nothing.
Erika: Nada?
Riley: Nada. No gillyweed whatsoever.
Erika: Any charms you can use?
Riley: I do. Just see.
The first task is to go and dive into the black lake and retrieve a cepter which have been guarded by gryndallows. The task started and Erika was worried. She saw her sister being attacked by the gryndallows which frightened her and Tyler squishing Albus' face which disgusted her. She took one step backwards, and another, and another, until the wood she was stepping on felt like air. She fell from the bleachers and to the black lake. She was so close to drowning. She tried to reach for her wand but she failed. Due to her heavy clothes, she can't float properly. When she could reach her wand,
Erika: Acen----
She fainted. Albus gasped and ran away from tyler to get down and behind to save Erika.
Albus: Erika wake up! Erika!
Loupius: She drowned.
Zalera: Don't worry. She's still breathing.
Albus: Let's take her to the hospital wing.
Tyler: Alby! Don't be nice to her. She's... Mmmm..... Faking it! So you drown with her! She's a murderer Alby!
Albus: Get out of the way Tyler.


Riley, Loupius, Zalera, Louis, Albus, Scorpius, Nathan, Daina, and a random girl was surrounding Erika's bed as she woke up.
Erika: Hi?
Random girl: (with a rather soft voice) Madam Pomfrey. She's awake!
Erika: Mmmm..... Who is this?
Daina: Heartly. Heartly Scamander.
Erika: Are you really?
Heartly: My twin brothers Lorcan and Lyssander are also Rolf and Luna's children.......
Erika: Where's your right gloves?
Heartly: I don't know. I suspect the nargles took them......
Erika: How's the tournament?
Riley: Zenally came in first. I was second. And surprisingly, Cherry came in last.
Madam Pomfrey: Children. Don't you have classes to attend? Erika. You are also allowed to go. Just rest well.

It was class with professor Terlawny which is Divination. Erika seemed to be the most interested person in the class. While Loupius couldn't care less anout it. However for Zalera, she seemed to be just, okay with it. Although she was close to failing the class.

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