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It had been a few weeks since Rory and Finn talked about Logan. Finn still felt really guilty about their call. He talked about it to his wife when it often became too much, but he also didn't want to burden her with his troubles as she was having her own. Plus, even if the chance of a miscarriage is fairly impossible at 7 months he didn't want to worry her, little did he know that, by not talking to her, she only worried more. Rory was getting more and more anxious and in the past, she would revert to calling her mother, sometimes she would still call her number, only to hear her voice again, since she never had it in her to get the number disconnected.

As she thought about her mother, the infamous Lorelai Gilmore/Danes, strong, independent, single mother, tears sprung to her eyes. She still needed her so much. Normally she would turn to her husband but lately, they had been acting so distant. She knew this thing with Logan had taken its toll on her husband but she just wanted her loving and caring teddy bear back.

"Are you okay, mother?" Colin had stayed with them over the last couple of weeks. He wanted for his best friend and wife to be happy again. Not that they weren't now but he watched them and ever since the 'Logan call' he noticed a change in demeanor. Finn had gone out for a while and when he came out of his guest bedroom he found her on the couch, crying.

"Yeah, totally fine. Just thinking about my mom." She quickly wiped her tears away. It wasn't a lie, not entirely, she just left out a few minor details.

"I know you and Finn hit a rough patch because of me and Logan showing up and I get it. The whole blast from the past thing, its hard. I can tell you right now that you and Finn will get through this." Colin said. It was like he was reading right through her.

"Ever since that call with Logan he has been distant, not telling me things, he's barely even touching me. I know that he loves me because of this little miracle but it's hard."

"Miracle? Were you not trying?" Colin wondered.

"After we were married, sure, we succeeded too, but I miscarried and we didn't try for at least 4 months because it was too painful. Somewhere in those four months, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to have chemo.  They told us the chance to conceive a baby again was little to nothing."

"That must have been hard," Colin said sympathetically.

"It was awful, but we got through it together, now I feel like he doesn't want to talk to me anymore. I remember his parents being so mad that I supposedly wasn't able to produce any future heirs to carry on in the family business that they tried to get Finn's and mine marriage annulled. Finn would not have it, told them if they anything that would bring our marriage in jeopardy that he would stop with the family business. Now he feels so far away, the only thing I'm asking for is my husband back."

Colin moved over to hug Rory. At that moment they hadn't noticed someone slipping in the room, who had just heard the last bit of what she had said.

"You still have him, darling. I'm still me. I'm sorry I made you feel like I wasn't. It's just, the thing with Logan-." Finn was cut of by his wife.

Colin watched the conversation between the two of them carefully.

"That's no excuse, Finn. We used to talk about everything. We made a vow to tell everything to each other, good or bad. I get that you are upset about what he said, I truly do but you have to talk to me about these things, we are supposed to do this together, 'together we will get through every obstacle on every road' that's what you said, it feels like you don't want to do this, that you want to travel this road alone. I can't let you do that, and I won't. You are my husband, Finn, and if you like it or not I am your wife who is seven months along with a miracle baby, and I won't let you overcome this obstacle in the road alone, you can't leave me behinds to face that same obstacle on my own also." Rory ranted.

"nullum relinquam post virum. Ad infinitum." Finn got up to hug his wife. (Leave no man behind. To infinity.)

"In perpetuum te semperque amabo. Infinitum nimis." She replied and kissed him on the cheek. (I will always love you forever. To infinity.)

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