Chapter 7

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A/N: Thank you guys for voting and reading my story I just hit 200 reads on this story and 300 on my CrissColfer story so thanks you guys so much I'm very appreciative of all the support. love you guys


My swim suit was halfway up my legs when the doorbell rang. Blaine was here. I ran down the stairs as fast as I can falling on my face in front of the door. Blaine opened the door after I fell.

"Oh my god Kurt are you okay? I was waiting for you at the door and I heard a crash." Blaine said his voice clear with worry.

"Ya I'm fine I just slipped." I replied my face red from embarrassment. I finally get a boyfriend and I go and fall on my face in front of him. What a loser. I get up from the floor with Blaine's help and look at the floor.

"There's no need to be embarrassed I've done way worse things in front of cute guys," Blaine said. Kurt raised his eyebrow and tried not to laughed.

"Who said anything about you being cute?" Before he could comprehend what I said I had already ran out the door.

I was halfway through my front yard when two arms wrapped around my waist, picking me up and throwing me over their shoulder. Blaine laughed as I smacked his perfect ass trying to get him to let go. Unfortunately it didn't work it just made him laugh even harder.

"Blaine, put me down," I said trying to sound serious and failing miserably at it.

"Give me one good reason to,' Blaine said moving me from his shoulder to his chest, cradling me in his arms. I looked into Blaine's mesmerizing hazel eyes. I could stare into them for the rest of my life.

Slowly and quietly I whisper against Blaine's lips," Because you will get lots of hot steamy kisses." Not even a second was wasted before his lips were connected on mine. They tasted like strawberries and mint, an odd combination, but on Blaine's lips it was perfect. Blaine put me down in one swift motion, making sure i was firmly planted on the ground, before grabbing me by my hips and pushing me up against his car.

I brush my tongue along his bottom lip, asking for entrance. I don't get an answer before he shoves his tongue in my mouth without warning. I freeze for a second then start moving my tongue with his. the world around us disappears. The only thing that matters is Blaine and I and how much i love him. Holy shit did I say love. I can't love him I've only known him for two days. I just continue kissing my handsome boyfriend until a curious voice makes up practically jump apart.

"Hey Kurt, I didn't know you were...," Finn stared at us for a second staring at us, literally shocked into placed. "Um, Kurt who the hell is this hobbit that's eating your face," He asked, his protective brother instincts taking over.

I didn't know whether to be annoyed that he interrupted our make-out session, or endeared that he cared about me. Choosing to be annoyed I shot a glare in Finn's direction and spoke, "Well hello to you too Finn. This Blaine my boyfriend."

Finn stood there for a second trying to comprehend what I just said then he put it all together. "Oh, Blaine the guy you went on that date with. I remember you taking like five hours getting ready just trying to get your hair perfect."

I was about to punch Finn when Blaine spoke up, "Kurt that's adorable. You took that long just to go on a date with me."

I blushed a bright red and looked at the ground before I spoke again, "Well it's not everyday an extremely hot guy asks me on a date."

"Oh so I'm not cute, I'm hot," Blaine said curiously, moving closer to me, placing his hands on my waist. Both of us staring into each others eyes, forgetting Finn is standing less than five feet away from us.

"Cough, cough," Finn says awkwardly. "Well I'm going inside now, bye." He walked toward the house quickly.

"That went well," Blaine laughed giving me one last blissful kiss before taking my hand and dragging me to his car.


We arrived at Dalton a little less than an hour later still laughing from our events at my house and Blaine's tone deaf singing to Katy Perry in the car. The parking lot looked almost empty save for a few cars here and there. Blaine walked around the car and grabbed my hand leading me towards the school. He lead me to the doors of the common room then halted to a stop.

"I have two warnings for you. One, you will get wet. Two I'm sorry for messing p your perfect hair," He said laughing as if everything were obvious. I was still trying to comprehend what he said that it was too late to stop him from smashing a water balloon on my head. Out of nowhere as if they appeared out of thin air all the Warblers surrounded me holding water guns.

Blaine joined them, Wes handing him a gun, "Any last words Kurtie?"

I nodded and looked straight at Blaine, "Blaine Devon Anderson," I paused for effect hearing Jeff and Nick giggle," If you spray me with that water gun I will Steal all your hair gell, scratch all your Katy Perry CD's, and burn your Harry Potter books."

Blaine looked at me for a second in disbelief,"You wouldn't dare."

Smirking at him I say, "Try me."

Frozen in shock Blaine looks at the ground contemplating his next move. I signal to Jeff who is right next to me to give me his gun. Jeff catching on to my plan happily obliges and whispers my plan to nick.

I hold the gun in my and aiming at Blaine and pull the trigger. Taken by surprise he falls to the ground looking at smile on his face. Laughing i signal to Jeff and he signals everyone else. All at once everyone is shooting at Blaine.

Trying to make a get away before Blaine notices, I grab a handful of water balloons and run up the stairs. At the top of the stairs is a hallway with a bunch of numbered doors i assume are dorms. I stand for a moment and admire the interior of the hallway in awe. It is beautifully styled. My admiration is cut short when i hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I can smell strawberries and fresh mint, I know its Blaine. I run down the hall to the closest room and hide. Closing the door behind me and hear somebody cough. I turn around and see Satan, I mean Sebastian.

"Excuse me, but i don't remember saying that ugly losers were allowed in my dorm. So if you don't mind I'm going to have to ask you to leave," Sebastian said smirking.

"Well i guess you should accompany me seeing as your the the ugliest loser I know." I say back at him seeing his smirk disappear. "What Happened did the big ugly, meerkat faced, house toothed, slut get his feelings hurt?"

Sebastian got up from where he was sitting o his bed to face me. "You listen here you high pitch man stealer nobody comes in my school steals my man ans then insults me. You have two seconds to get your bony anorexic ass out of my room before i beat the living shit out of you."

Oh no he did not. "First off I was invited to your school by your so called friends. secondly I didn't steal your man Blaine doesn't belong to you. He was the one who asked me out. And lastly I will not leave because I'm not scared of a big fat whore who can't keep his dick in his pants for more than five seconds."

 "That's a lie you've been in my room for about three minutes and my dick still remains in my pants. Maybe it hasn't popped out yet because it senses how fucking disgusting  looking you are. Maybe you should think about that when I'm fucking Blaine all night long."

That was the last straw no one says that me or Blaine. Without any hesitation I punch him in the face repeatedly, Catching him by surprise. He falls to the ground like a sack of potatoes making a loud thud as he hits the ground. I hear the door open and someone calling my name. There are arms lifting me off of Sebastian but I'm to furious to realized who it is.  I kick and scream trying to make them let go for me. there is a sharp pain them my head now from where i must've hit it. Dark spots start to form in my vision and everything goes black.


I'm so sorry for making you guys wait so long for an update. Will try my hardest to keep up with my stories in the future. Just a warning the next one may not be up for a week at the most two weeks. It takes me awhile to write chapter because it hurts my thumb. Other than that i hoped you liked it and once again thank you for reading it means alot to me. Also I didn't have alot of time to edit it so sorry for any mistakes.



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