Corporate Warfare

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"Alright. Let's go over the plan one last time."

There was murmuring as the people in the darkened room turned on their tablets and retrieved the tactical data files from the network.

"The main deployment ares are either side of the city centre. Red Team will deploy along the northern access route, Blue Team along the southern. I need you to spread out, secure your areas. Team leaders are to report to me when this has been achieved - but do it quickly. We need to have this phase completed within ten minutes of the operation start.

"Next, when I give the go-signal, both teams are to advance towards the city centre. I want a tight perimeter. Nobody is to get through - got that?"

A hand was raised at the back of the room. "What about individuals who are not in our target categories?"

"They do not get through. I said I want a tight perimeter. Nothing is to jeopardise this operation, right?"

"Yes sir."

The briefing continued. "Once we have established a secure perimeter, we go after our targets. Make sure you have memorised the profiles of the people we are after. I want complete coverage of our targets. Do not let them get away from you. If you run into trouble, call for backup.

"Remember, not only do we have to meet our sales targets, but we have to beat the downtown teams. Our bonuses depend on it! Are you ready?"

There was a chorus of voices: "Sir! Yes sir!"

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