Chapter Five: Revealing

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In what seemed like a few hours until we had touched down in Bangladesh. It was sweating hot and not even fanning helped, but the weather didn't seem to phase Baron.. I stepped off the plane and heard a roar, seeing Titan struggling against his ropes,

"Titan," I say hurrying over. One of the foreign men tried to push me back, but I reached out toward the tiger, somehow knowing that he wouldn't hurt me. He stopped tugging and jumping and relaxed when he spotted me, "Hey.. I'm okay... Don't worry about me so much," Titan looked at me flicking his black ears. I turned my eyes on the men with my hand out, "Give me the rope, he won't pull me," They hesitated, but then they handed me the rope, "Come on buddy, let's get you in the truck, what do you say to me riding in the same truck?" Titan purred his approval and happily hopped into the back of the truck. Baron came over, "You should accompany him to the reserve, I'll meet you there," I nodded slowly and climbed into the front seat beside the driver,

""Hello," I say. The man looked at me quizzically. "Hello?" He stared at me for a moment before driving so fast, I had to hold on when we came to a stop in front of a gas station right outside the entrance into the trees.

"Eat," He said, his voice very very accented. I looked at the tiny mini kitchen,

"Alright," I say. The man gave me a handful of golden coins. I smiled and got out. I hurried to the kitchen, I was actually quite starved. I looked at the woman and girl who came over.

"Namastē," The woman greeted smiling.

"Huh?" I say. The girl tugged on her mother's sleeve,

"She says hi," The little girl said. I smile,

"Well,I say hello back." She whispered into her mother's ear. The girl led me to a table nearby.

I sat and opened the menu, and found it all in Hindi.

"Um... May I have help?" I ask, "Could I have a very low spice curry?" The girl smiled, nodded and hurried to the small kitchen. I looked out the window and saw a man and Baron talking outside the window in fast tongue. The man was cute, he had bronze skin, silky black hair and yellow eyes. I was in awe, I hadn't even realized I had been staring. The man noticed though. He elbowed Baron. I blinked, returning my eyes on the curry. I ate, looking back out, but they were gone. Again, I looked away, finished my curry and looked, my liger was sitting in the middle of the dirt road, licking his paws. I squeaked in shock, place my coins on the table and hurried toward Titan. He looked at me and right as I reached for the rope, he bolted into the trees,

"Titan!" I cried out, "Come back!" I ran after him. I ran, but noticed he wasn't going as fast as I guess he could. "Stop!" My feet were getting so sore, I was running out of breath and wheezing because I wasn't used to the humid air, my pollen allergies weren't helping that either. I was crying, "Titan!" He stopped, noticing my struggles. He padded back quickly and nosed my hand onto his neck, like I was supposed to use him as a support. I continued to cry, "don't do that again!" He whined and pressed against my leg. He guided me toward a cottage and nosed me to sit and I happily did. He lept again into a bush and I started to go towards the bush, but a man emerged with the rope around his neck. It was the same man as before! My breathing hitched and then I screamed,

"What did you do to him?!"

"To who?" He asked. I glared,

"My liger!"

"Your liger?" The man asked, climbing ontop of the stone wall and jumping over, "What liger?" He untied the rope on his neck, looking a bit annoyed. I was paranoid,

"The black one!" I shout, "What did you do with Titan! He just went through the bush you came out of!" The man held up his hands,

"I am the liger," He said, his forgien, honey voice said, "I am Titandeous Ramakrishna," I stared,

"How is that possible?" I spat, "Why are we here?" The man, apparantly Titan, said,

"It's very possible, but we are here because we are going to see a man who lives here." He melted to a pair of black paws. My eyes widened, he was my liger! I jumped and tackle hugged his neck. The big cat was patient with me and he looked as the door of the cottage opened,

"Ahh! Titandeous! Kurt told me you be coming!" The tiny man at the door exclaimed, then looked at me, "And he told me you be bring me a little flower!" I blush, but then glared at Titan, upset I wasn't told anything. Titan patted my shoulder. I shook him away and followed the smaller man inside. Titan ducked to get in and sighed at my anger. I looked as the little man ran around grabbing soup bowls and spooning soup into the bowls.I sniffed it smelled... Interesting.

"May I ask your name?" I asked.

"Of course ma ladeh!" The little man said, "I is Anish," He smiled at me and put a bowl on the little table. "Eat, you tired, eat away,"

"Um... Thanks," I say sitting down. My liger curled at my paws and closed his eyes. I ate to find it was delicious. I gobbled it to halfway, "Do you want any Titan?" Titan looked up at me and shook his head no. I snicker and finished my stew, "Thank you Anish, that was delicious,"

"Rest ladeh, rest, tomorrow big day," He said rushing me to a hay bed and left me and my liger to our own accords. I sat on the hay bed,

"This is just great," I complained, "Baron has all my clothes," Titan blinked up at me and sat up. I looked at him thinking of the man side of him. I bit my lip and just laid my head uncomfortably down on my hand and fluttered my eyes closed. This would be a long night.

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