Chapter Six: Furry Pillows

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I slept better than I expected. Midafternoon rolled around and I slowly stirred. My fingertips brushed against fur and my eyes lightly fluttered open. I realized I was sleeping with my face in Titan's flank. I sat up, looking at the sleeping liger. He was rather alert for being asleep. His sharp yellow eyes opened and he looked up at me. He parted his jaws in a gigantic yawn.

"Titan?" I demand, "I didn't say you could come up here!" The liger shrugged, let out a purr and hopped off the hay bed. He trotted out of the room. I scowled and scooted out of the bed. I put some slippered on and wrapped myself up in a robe. Wrinkling my nose, I followed the ignorant cat into the "living room" of the hut. I sat down crisscrossed next to Titan and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Ma ladeh!" Anish said, the tiny man hobbling in, "Good mornin' or 'hould I 'ay good afternoon! I hope you ready!" I looked confused,

"For what?" I ask.

"The 'Urga hena," He said. I frown,

"Um, alright," I say and Anish helped me into a wooden chair. He took my arms and picked up a paintbrush.

"The bird 'hall 'ing if the one.." He said. Titan watched each stroke intently.

"Um.." I say again. Anish ignored me and continued making fine strokes. When he was done with one arm, he took the other. He again started making the strokes. When he was done, a little red bird in its cage began to sing and the hena began to glow brightly.

"I knew it!" He said smiling brightly, "'Urga's daughter as came to Earth." My eyes widened,

"What... What is going on?" I ask.

"I 'hall let Baron explain," He responded patting my hand, "Good luck ma ladeh," I smile, trying to hide my confusion. Anish sent Titan and I out of the hut and toward the way we came,

"You know, you're so lucky I didn't kill you," I say to Titan. He let out a huff and headbutted my leg, "I'm not joking you know," Then we stopped. Titan's hackles raise and his fur started to prickle. I looked to where he looked. The bush russled and I stood angled, ready to run. A growl ripped through Titan's chest, but then I saw him relax. I looked and saw Baron emerge from the bush,

"Easy son," He said. Titan nosed me toward Baron.

"Why didn't you guys trust me? Why am I here?" I whispered. Baron looked regretfully at me.

"I'm sorry Miss. Swan," He said. I glared,

"You better be sorry!" I exclaim.

"But Titandeous needs you," He said quietly, leading us to a jeep in a further clearing, "He's cursed.. He needs helped to break it, and you have been the only one able to release him from captivity." I blink, looking down at the liger. Titan switched to the breath taking man from yesterday,

"It's alright if you don't want to help," He said quietly, his voice deep with foreign accents, but it sounded like honey and my heart fluttered a little bit at the pain in his eyes.

"I-I'll help you, I want you to be happy," I say. A smile lit on the man's face,

"Thank you so so so much Agatha," He said. He looked at me for a split second before helping over a log, "I better switch," He switched back to liger and took the lead. Baron opened the back and I crawled in. Titan lept in and curled up on the leather seat trying to make as much room for me as he could. I patted my lap,

"You can use me as a pillow if you like since I got you as my furry pillow this morning." I say. Titan looked at me almost hesitantly before resting his chin in my lap. His eyes slowly close and before I knew it he was asleep soundly. I stroked the back of his neck, letting my fingers lace into his fur. Soon, my eyes slowly closed and then I was asleep with my liger comfortably resting his head in my lap.

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