Chapter Three: Forgotten Tale

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For the next few days after performances, I had sat with Titan, either reading to him or simple drawing and listening to him breathe. I grew more and more comfortable with him and now I started speaking to him,

"Hey Titan... How is it being in a cage..? I mean... Don't you wish you were free?" Titan flicked both of his ears, not responding directly. "Well... I wish you were free..." His eyes met mine and I gulped down as my hand slowly reached out and I touched the top of his head. His fur was soft under my touch and Titan looked at me patiently before leaning into my hand purring deeply.

I scratched behind his ear before murmuring,

"I'm tired, the last few days have tired me out, you don't mid me leaving early do you?" He shook his head no and rested his chin on his paws, "I promise I'll come back in the morning to make up for it," I stood and headed to bed.

This morning was weird, I went over to the cage as I promised, but a man was standing there in a dark dark suit and his black and grey hair sleeked back. He was dark skinned and had brownish eyes,

"Excuse me?" I ask approaching him. The man jumped,

"Oh!" He said, "Who must you be?"

"I'm Agatha Swan,sir and you are?"

"Professor Kurt Baron, madam," He said. I eyed him,

"Why are you looking at my liger?" I ask. Baron chuckled,

"My boss is interested in purchasing him, he has a reserve for ligers like him,"

"Does he?" I say frightened of loosing Titan. Sure, I was happy, but I like him and talking to him.

"Yeah, did you know Titandeous is named after a hero?"

"No, I didn't," I say.

"It's an old forgotten tale from my homeland," Baron said.

"Where is your homeland?"

"I was born and raised in Bengladesh, I assume you know where it is,"

"Yeah, I do... Do you mind telling me the story?" I ask sitting near Titan's cage.

"Of course," Baron said, sitting on a block of hay. Titan perked his ears as if he was really interested.

"It began in a kingdom in Bengladesh called Harikela," He began, "There was a mighty king and queen who had two sons, as they grew up, their father taught them the politics and how to take care of a kingdom, while their mother taught them how to be with the people, and how to see things through their eyes. Every Sunday, she'd have them play with the poorer boys and girls of the time." Titan rested his chin on his paws making a shuffling noise. "As they grew older and into fine princes, one prince named Titandeous was arranged to marry a daughter of a much smaller kingdom to end the Cold War between the two kingdoms." Titan snorted, and I said,

"Shhh Titan," I petted his ears inside the cage to keep him quiet.

"Unfortunately, when the older prince, which is Titandeous, had left on a commander trip, his younger brother was practicing watching the kingdom, he though was watching a little more than the kingdom. He had an eye on the princess. When they met, they had a tentative relationships, more like friends if you may. Then the feelings grew and the two began to fall in love." Baron cleared his throat, "So, as time progressed, Titandeous was gone more and more on buisness trips, one time he was captured by his soon to be father-in-law from the nearby kingdom. He had power, so the king wanted the prince's power. The prince refused, but he then is challenged with love. When he was still refusing to give the power, Titandeous was going through the rituals of people who defy the authority. He was humiliated through town and stoned to death. It is said that he had actually lived the stoning, but we may never know," Titan was looking at Baron and I looked at the Liger,

"Oh my gosh Titan, you're named after a prince! That's amazing!" I exclaimed. Baron chuckled,

"You seem fond of him. Would you be willing to accomaning him on his trip to Bengladesh?" He asked. I looked at him wide eyed,

"Really... I could do that?"

"absolutely, and I'll pay you off for your last week of work so you don't have to worry," I slowly nodded,

"If it makes his trip easier," I smile at my liger as Baron nodded, "Looks like it's not goodbye yet," Titan purred deeply. I giggled and listened to Baron as he told me he'd get the papers all done. I thanked him and stayed with Titan for the rest of the day.

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