Wrong Class?

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Chapter Twenty-two


Chapter Summary: Trouble happens when Emi enters the wrong class.

Warning: Long chapter ahead.

All the students were told to get off the bus when they arrived.

"First years song class students line up here."

"First years beauty class students line up here! Theater class and Dance class here."

But all of that, did not reach Emi who was too busy looking at her phone. Before she knew it, the line of song class students left to train in the mountains.

Emi looked up from her phone. She sighed in relief that her profile was now back to normal. She noticed that there was only one line left and walked over. Little did she know that, that line was dance class.

The assigned teacher led the dance class first year and Emi to a cool studio under the tall palm trees that swayed slightly against the air.

Emi blinked her eyes.

'Dance Class?'

She was in the wrong class! She quickly ran over to the teacher to inform her.

"Song class? They already left for the mountain. I'm sorry but I can't send you there, I have a class to watch."


"You'll have to stick with us for the day."


Emi was doomed, not only did she not know any of the students in dance class, she also sucked at dancing.

"Emi!" A familiar voice behind her shouted.

The girl turned around, her golden blonde hair swaying like the palm trees due to the strong wind. It was Naomi who greeted her kindly.

"Naomi! Oh, it's glad to know someone in this class!" She smiled in relief.

"It's glad to have you join our class for today meow!" 

"Class! Let's begin! First we'll start off with our stretches."

The class started to spread out around the room and began doing their stretches.

"You! Girl with the blonde hair! Pink bow!" The teacher shouted, pointing at Emi.

The muse gulped.

"You are not doing your stretches right. For the splits you have to go all the way down!"

"But Miss, I can't!" She exclaimed, freaking out.

"You will by the end of this class!"

Emi groaned, it was going to be a long day.


"Now that our stretched have been finished, ah you- girl with the pink bow. Come up front. You suck at this." The teacher said bluntly and the blonde shamefully walked up to the front. 

"We will be dancing to a song and I will be showing you the choreography."

The students all shouted 'yes'! Dance class must have a lot of energy to cope with the teacher.

"The song I'm teaching you is Spring Day." (I'm sorry, this is the only dance I know!)

"First we must hear the music and understand it. Know the rhythm, befriend the beat."

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