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"D O E S anyone know what this plant is called?" Professor Thorpe asks, showing a fairly common species of houseplant on a power point

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"D O E S anyone know what this plant is called?" Professor Thorpe asks, showing a fairly common species of houseplant on a power point.

I sigh, already beginning to doze off. Really, I thought botany was going to be more exciting. The hands on experiences aren't half bad, but I am about to go mad listening to the latin names of common plants. I glance at Orion, wondering how on earth he manages to look so attentive all the time, but he refuses to look away from Thorpe.

Rubbing my chin, I decide to conduct a test to weed out the telepathic among us. It's a fairly common ability to get, and it's fun to watch them react. I concentrate on screaming the word 'HELP' inside my mind, likes it's all in caps. I scan the room, knowing the trick is keeping your expression neutral.

Almost imperceptibly - I might have never noticed it if I wasn't looking for it - Orion turns his head so that his right ear is facing me and furrows his brow. Orion? I think, reaching my mind out to his. I can feel a connection begin to form, and then the link is severed suddenly.

He turns his head and meets my eyes, a look of shock evident on his face. I have broken his calm façade for a moment, and although he quickly regains his composure, I conclude he is definitely not an innocent.

Meet me after class at the fountain, Orion's voice slides into my head, nearly making me flinch visibly. Miss clairvoyant.

You're the clairvoyant one, I reply, rolling my eyes. But I will.

A small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, and this time I'm not sure what I did to break his granite demeanor. I finally tune back into Professor Thorpe's lecture and decide I'd better focus...at least for the rest of class.

☽ ☽ ☽

The fountain is behind the main building in a small courtyard surrounded by bushes and oriental trees. It is really quiet scenic, as fall is beginning to descend and everything is turning different colors.

Orion is already there, though I have no idea how he arrived so quickly. I begin to walk a bit quicker until I am in earshot. "Sorry! I was speaking with Anna about our next assignment." He waves a hand in dismissal, staring at me intently as I approach. "What?"

"Sorry," he shakes his head a bit sheepishly. "Its just...how did you do that? How did you know I was a telepath?"

"When you first looked at me, I felt you inside my head somehow. I guess I'm just more alert than most people, but I knew you were there. Then I was bored in class so I wanted to test if there were any mind readers," I shrug, looking up at him again with a small smile."And it turns out I was right."

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