Snowflake part 2

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We get back in the school and walk down the hall. Nina runs up to us. Emma we have to talk! Like now! I look at her and then to Jeff. Not now, I want to have a nice night okay just one night. Nina grabs my arm, Emma please. I hold her hand. At home okay, I love you. Jeff and I continue to walk back to the dance. We get back into the dance and a slow song is playing. Jeff grabs my hand, care to dance with me? I smile and agree and we walk to the centre of a the dance floor and start to sway back and forth. As the night continues Jeff and I laugh and have funny conversations. It feels like I've almost forgot about all the things going on in life and for the few hours we've been here it almost feels like everything is normal and okay.

It's almost the end of the night and I haven't seen Nina since she stopped me in the hall way. I look to Jeff who's sitting next to me on a bench by the side of the room. Have you seen nina since we've the hall way? No, but she is probably off with her friends or went home. I start to worry, I hope so. Jeff smiles and goes to speak but gets cut off by a loud announcement.

"Staff members of the ESPC please meet in the office, again any ESPC staff members please meet in the office at this time thank you."

three teacher, mr bobinski, ms shay, and lockheart, immediately step out. i look to Jeff, what is the ES..PG? he trys to smile at me, you mean the ESPC.. they are the "Element student protection comity" you know like if their was a threat the ESPC would be there to take care of it tape deal. i start to worry. shouldnt the dance be stopped, shouldnt we be like be quite and hid or something. jeff fake laughs at me, its probably just a meeting take a deep breath. he takes my hands and sways back and forth. i pull my hands away and sit down.... what if nina is out there and there is a threat.... i put my head be twin my knees. Jeff sits next to me and puts one arm around me.

30 minutes go by and another announcement comes on.

"good evening students, at this time we would like to ask you all to silently and swiftly exit the dance and head to your elements common area"

i get up and stand on the bench looking out at the crowd of elements flooding out the door. i start to worry even more. Nina, Nina where are you i saw quietly to myself, wheres Julia.. Jeff genitally tugs me off the bench and guides me through the crowd of elements. not paying attention and trying to look over peoples heads i stubbly over a girl. as i re-balance myself and apologize Julia runs up and grabs me by my shoulder, i turn and see her, i jump up and rap my arms around her almost in tears. wheres Nina i yell, julia steps back to look at me. i dont know last i saw she was with jade and they where walking down one of the halls, text her when you get to your common room, i got to go okay stay safe and text!!

me and Jeff are almost at are common rooms, he hugs me and says a few things to me before turning down his hall towards his common room. as i get to mine, i go up stairs sit by one of the the book case on the far left wall. common rooms are like two level living rooms, it has a kitchen, tv and sitting area on the bottom and a wind up stair case to get to the second level, on the second there is a small library, a little room full of couches and chairs that is closed off by french doors. and a small hall of doors each room with three names on the door for kids who live on campus.

i sit for a while to collect myself before walking down the hall to a friends room. when i finally get myself up and walk down the hall i hear chattering of other elements in their room all are talking about what could be going on. i stop at a door and look up at the label that should have the names of who owns the room, but instead it only reads, comic misfits, i put my hand on the door nob. i know im at the right door. before i could turn the nob to open the door a girl opened it, she half smiles at me. Mable, hey its Emma, is Megan there? she opens the door and steps aside, she is. i walk in. their room has changed since the last time i came in, the room was huge and had two beds one on each side of wall all the way at the end of the room and one in the middle of them. the windows where cover with transparent curtains like the ones that let light in but you cant see in. in the center of the ceiling a little orb of light floated and on the far left there was a little man cave just big enough for the three of them, it was sectioned off from the rest of the room by curtains and inside the little box was two couches in a L/V placement creating the box shape, with just enough room from the ends of the couch to slip in to sit, there was a table with bongs and grinders on it, and in the center and on the wall where the door is (opposite wall from the back wall) was a TV and also with another curtain pinned to the ceiling that drapes down to almost my height. i walk in a go into the little den and see Megan sitting with the TV on and her bong in her lap. and go and sit next to her and glue my eyes to the TV.

- a news reporter on screen- "A member of the Glenroy bother hood has been spotted in the area of Mistfiled, officals say-" i look to Megan, this cant be happening. Megan raises her pointer finger at me and hit her bong rip. Megan is the smartest elf i know and used to be my study buddy till she took up weed. before the common rooms where open to all students she would sneak me in and we would hang here for hours, and just talk and study and just be our selves.i still love her as a friend but i guess it is some what i good thing we dont hang out as much since i did miss a lot of class.

Megan looks to me, it is, and its real. they said they where not looking to harm anyone but rather looking for something. i hug my legs and curl up on the end of the couch. Megan sets down her bond and holds my knees. just chill here with us and you'll be fine, fuck we can even play a broad game or some shit. i look up to her, thank you, maybe in a minute. megan nods and steps out of the den.

-phone buzzing on table- i reach over and grab my phone off the wooden table. the screen lights up and reads "incoming call from, Sparky (Nina)" i answer. Nina hey please tell me your alright, where are you, is mom and jac- Nina cuts me off, spirit clam down, im alright clam down and yes their safe i called and checked on them already, jacks asleep and moms keeping an eye on the news. where are you? i sniffle a little bit. im in Megans room at school. okay, stay there okay, also im glad you guys are friends again? i brush over her comment, where are you Nina? im at a friends ill probably stay the night here, and pick you up tomorrow. im really worried Nina. i know Spirit, but you will be okay, i have to go but call me if you need to okay? okay. i love you spirit. i love you too Nina. see yeah. i hang up and put the phone down on the table again. i call Megan back in and ask her if shell stay on the other couch with me tonight, she kindly agrees and we both close our eyes.

*2 hours later (3:00am)*

-tv goes blank and starts making high pitched alarm sound- Megan nudges me awake. she stays silent and points to the screen. on the screen it shows a message that reads "Emma Landcast, the brotherhood calls you, you will come to sparrow clave on the rise of the blood moon, you belong with us, they will only use you, failure to arrive by the rise will result in great consequences." i sit there speechless. -phone starts buzzing, Ninas contact pops up onto the screen- i ignore it. this cant be for me, what do they mean they'll only use me. i look to Megan for answers but she stays silent, my phone is being blow up with texts. but i ignore them all. this is the turning point. this is where my life changes forever, but what do i do.

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