*5:30 am* megan walks over to me, Emma, i made you some food and i think you should really call back Nina. i open my eyes and lift my head up just enough to see her but slam it back down and close my eyes, no not yet. Megan picks my phone up and holds it out to me, at least tell her your safe and havnt ran off with the Glencunt brotherhood. i take the phone and text Nina.
"im safe and havnt ran off, ill talk later" Nina reply's "thank gods i though you ran off already, whats this about and wheres this sparrow clave and how do you know where this is, or do you?" i reply "Later"
i throw my phone back to the table, Megan looks down at her toes and sits back down on the couch and packs a bowl for her bong.
*8:30* elements are now aloud to leave but Megan, Mabel, Vicky and i all sit in the den. they are passing around the bong and munching on chips. i pick my phone up and walk out into main area in their dorm. i unlock my phone.
-8 missed calls from home, jeff, julia. 24 texts from jeff and julia-
i call julia, we have a small conversation i reassure her that im okay and i end the call and call jeff saying the same things and then finally call Nina.
"hey" i pause. "Hey", i can feel Nina trying to smile at me, are you okay? sigh, yeah i'm fine i guess. Want to talk Nina says in her comforting voice. sure. okay first, whats the sparrow clave? I stay silent for a minute, its the last place i saw mom before she left us. Nina's voice goes from comforting to kinda mad, what! mom talked to you. what about us she didn't bother to talk to us. what did she tell you. you know touchy feeling things not mu-- Nina cuts me off, the whole thing spirit, all of it.
i take a deep breath, okay.
A few weeks after mom and dad left mom came back... it was like the middle of the night and she took me to this cave that was hidden deep in the swamp. She sat with me and stsrted talking about-- nina cuts me off again the. Whole thing emma. I sigh, okay word for word you ready? She told me "you are special, iv none since the day you where born, you are spirit. You will learn what that means later but you will take down the brotherhood and save the element race, but not yet. When the day comes you will know. I love you em i always will. I have to go with your father. I dont have a choice so please Take care of your siblings. I will come back for you. Be ready for whatever may come." She then handed me a small crystal and told me to concentrat hard on so i did and i noticed that i could make it glow. Mom told me it meant i was special and that if i keep it by me nothing can hurt me. Mom then walked me back to where we set up camp and she laid me on her lap and brushed her fingers thought my hair and humded me to sleep.... thats the last i saw of her.... thats it.
I hear nina flipping through a book. She pauses then speaks. The elder moon stone.... the what i reply, then nina reads the text from her "the spirit element" the book she stool from the restricted section of the school library and has been reading since she started her whole "im a spirit element" rampage but instead of saying what i usually say to her when she reads it out loud i listen to her
"the elder moon stone is a stone that was used by the frist spirit elements. This stone was used to identify spirit elements. When a spirit focuses in on the stone they are the only ones who can make it will glow and the stone is side to have even higher power when a more advanced spirit element consentrats on it."
I try to laugh, done your research have you?... Nina?
Nina sighs, im sorry emma, look i know this is hard but can we actually talk about... you being.. you know. Spirit? Do you still have the stone mom gave you?
I kimda smile at the though of having the stone, It still reminds me of mom.
Yes i wear it everyday.
Good ill meet you out front the water element comon room door.
Before i could ask which door she hangs up, i think she forgets theres two doors to the common room becuase she never goes in hers but i assume she is going to be at the door that leads out to the one so i wait there for her to show up.
When she shows up we just stare at eachother speachless. Finally after what feels like a few minutes i take her hand and start walking. Its not the rising yet so i feel sparrow clave is the best place to go since its so well hidden. I cant even believe i still remeber where it is. We walk in silence till nina realises where we are going. Emma she grabs my shoulder, its not safe what is their are there?! I look to her with my clam eyes, they wont they are smarter then that. How do you know that, nina looks very worried. I smile and simply say, if someone was looking for you and there was a chance they new where to look for you would you stay there? No she replies softly, then? I think we are okay. We continue on the path and get to a small opening where there was many plants all around us and a small watter fall with plants hanging around it and tha also covers alot of the rock faces that make a half moon shape around the opening. Nina looks to me, this is beautiful and i feel like i remeber this place. Thats because you do, this is where mom and dad left us and we camped a few miles away from here. I step across the rocks that went through the water body and get to a ledge next to the water fall i brush some hanging plants aside and whisper marphophuse (mar-fy-mo-f-us) i ancient word mom tought me so i can come here anytime. The cracks in the rock where the plants where hanging glow and float away reveling a dimly lit came. We step in and the rock reform back the way they where. Nina laughs a little net trick. I laugh back i know the laughingis fake but its nice.
We sit on the floor and nina pulls her book out and i pull my necklace out. I take ninas hands. No matter what happens we stick togeather. Nina nods before we do this i think we should talk about this first. I nod back, okay lets talk.
Ember - The elements part 1
Spiritualeveryone has their place, but what is mine? growing up in a world of magic might seem rather easy but for Emma that world is not so easy, being born into a element that is thought to have vanished years ago Emma struggles to control her magic unlike...