i walk down the path and get to the open field where we agreed to meet. Nina and Jeff are already there and seem to be having a conversation. as i walk over to them i listen in on their conversation. "well, you see. iv been taking care of animals since i was a baby. and i often go on small walks up the mountain and such! ohh, as well i read some book, mostly for educational reasons like learning about wars, the elements and and other places in our world that are out side ember! Nina smiles at jeff and looks to her feet all shy. yeah, same here i read alot and love learning and being out doors." once i get up to them nina shoots up, i can tell her conversation with jeff has put her in a better mood. i smile at both of them, great so now that where all here -nina whispers under her breath- "even if it took a million years to get here" i giggle and nudge nina, she giggles back. so whats the plan? jeff says while stepping closer to me so he can use me as an arm rest. nina smiles and runs over to where we keep our argentavies' and leads them back to where me and jeff where standing. we both hop on. nina, i still cant fly very well-- nina cuts me off, its alright we arnt going very far. hey guys, what about me? nina laughs, come on climer boy, you have to legs dont you? jeff give off a worrying look. nina smiles and stenches out her hand to jeff, im kidding hop on. jeff climes on back and then we head towards the mountain where we had our falling lessons. when we get to the peek of the cliff we hop off and tie the birds down to a near by tree. see Spirit you do just fine. i smile at her, mhm totally didn't almost fall off. yeah but you didnt, you cought yourself and did everything you have to. i smile, whatever i say in a joking way. jeff hops over besides me and puts me in a head lock, look at you em you can fly, i never thought you would be the type! i brush him off me and laugh, have you seen nina i figured you would question her actions before mine. what does that mean? me and jeff both look to her and talk in unison, soft hearted bookworm. nina smirks, okay fair. so where are we going, i assume it is further in the forest park? nina nods and starts walking towards to right side a small drit path. me and jeff follow closely behind.
we soon get to a small opening. there are three huge crystals sitting out of the ground in a V shape with five chair sized sitting stones in a curical in front of the crystals. in the center of the curical the stones make is a magical symbol. we all take a seat on one of the rocks. nina pulls out her book and begins to walk me through some basic knowledge for spell casting. so its spells where learning? yes, you.. well we need to learn how to protect ourselves before we do more work on learning the brotherhood. i nod, alright so what do you got? she starts ecspling a barrier spell. i nod as she tells me how to do said spell then cut her off. nina may i just look at your notes, this is hard to remeber. she nods and brings me the book and sits next to me.
text from nina notes:
as a spirit element, we are not limited in abilty's for protection. first basic protection spells are "worriers barrier" "apprentices shield" and "forth wall" one thing all these have in common out side of protection is they are though spells (spells that can be casted by a simple though).
worriers barrier - physical combat protection. this is casted by thinking and imagining a force pushing away the attacker and keeping them at a contained distance where the attacker can not reach them. beginners have an easier time casting this spell by closing their eyes and holding both hand out in front of them. -side note- "this spell once mastered is also how to cast "force push" more on page 867"
apprentices shield - magical protection spell. this spell is casted by repeating and believing, "aloha-morita" (al-low-ho-a-mor-i-ta). basic translation: magic shall not harm me. this spell only works in original language. to make this spell easy practice with non harmful spells and slow move to using more harmful spells while using this spell.
forth wall - this spell protects the mind and thoughts. to be more clear this spell is used when someone wants to get inside your mind such as read thought or see past events from a person point of view. this spell is casted by emptying your mind. you can empty your mind by only focusing on what is happening at the current moment and only seeing, thinking and hearing what is happening in the present moment. by doing this, you are subconsciously blocking all thoughts and memory or anyway to manipulate what the person is doing thinking, going to say and so on. as you clear your mind make a point to deeply feel everything around you. this stops someone from taking control of your actions, thoughts, miniuplate memory's and so on.
after i finish reading i look to nina. i believe the best spell to learn would be forth wall nina says as placing a hand on my leg. that way no one can mes you up when we are there. jeff shoots up from the rock he has been quietly sitting on. your going to meet the brotherhood, are you insane?! i look over to him, theres this look in my eyes, a mix of sadness and hopelessness. there is no other option, they will hurt and possibly kill people if i dont. he stands there speachless then walks off into the forest area. i go to stand but nina sits me back down. let him take space. i look to the area he walked off in and sigh, alright. nina give me a reasuring smile. how do we do this? i mean can you do clairsentience magic or manipulation magic? nina give me her "come on do you really have to ask" look,miner clarirsentience magic, yes. Nina?... where did you learn to do clarirsentience magic? she stands up and trys to pull off a "im going to make you think its really nothing but it really is something act by lightly kicking some durt around and pacing slightly" act. your not fulling me with your innocent act i say crossing my arm. okay, so in school me and some friends all learned how to read minds so we can cheat on tests and shit talk people we dont really like in the hall way or even just to say im uncomfortable with something like for ecsample when where in a group of people and one of us say something out of line we give a socal que so we know to listen to them but in their head so we can tell each other not to continue talking about it.its just a way to communicate with out having to speak becaue some things are better left unsaid. i nod slwoly, and what if you dont want them in your head, what if they learn more and hurt you. this is big and where not tought it for reasons.. safety reasons. nina looks to me, i know it is but their all close trusted friends plus we all made a soul bond to never read minds unless we have the signal of concent. i roll my eyes at nina, im not going to fight you on this.
i sit up straight, okay lets try this. nina nods. first try, no luck. but after about the 6th try i get the hang. we sit here for hours practicing the same thing. soon im able to use forth wall with my eyes open and im also able to listen and respond to conversation with out losing focus on the spell nina also teaches me how to listen to her mind. i cant speak to her throw though yet but i dont think we are going to bother learning that yet. me and nina start to talk about the next spell to learn but it is also getting late and jeff isnt back yet. we agree to find jeff then decide if we want to head home or continue. we wlkin the forest and start looking around. im super tired but find jeff is inportant. after looking for about 20 minutes jeff hops down out of a tree. have you been there the whole time? he walks over to nina ignoring my question. Whats your plans? He asked still annoyed. We can either keep practising or head home. We where going to ask you what you thought?
he turns and starts walking back to the path, home, im done here. nina sighs and starts walking with him. i stay behind. we get further down the path. somehow nina is now way infront and Jeff is just a bit ahead of me. i run up to him. hey?... hey... jeff i-- emma. please. jeff I'm sorry. but we don't have a choice in this. jeff stops and stands in front of me so i stop too. yes you do, you really do. going is going to get you killed. how stupid must you be em! he stares at his feet..... i cant lose you... not after. i place a hand on his shoulder. i know, but you have to trust me. he brushes my hand off and starts to storm off. i let him. he needs his space and i need mine.
as we are on our way home we all stay silent. when we get back. jeff only gives us a nod before leaving.
Ember - The elements part 1
Spiritualeveryone has their place, but what is mine? growing up in a world of magic might seem rather easy but for Emma that world is not so easy, being born into a element that is thought to have vanished years ago Emma struggles to control her magic unlike...