Information on Magic.

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Alright this going to be a lot of information dumping, but I have to do it so that you guys understand what it's about. As it's a bit different compared to other magic books.

You can skip this if you want to, but then you will not understand most of the things I mention in the story.

Psions [Psyon]

Psions (Thought Particles) are non-physical particles that come under the dimension of psychic phenomenon, an information element that records the result of cognizance and thought. They are similar to Pushions in that Pushions are the particle manifestations of emotions from intention and thought, while Psions are the particle manifestations of intention and thought. 

[Note: This is still at a hypothetical stage.]


Pushions (Spirit Particles) are substance-less particles (non-physical entities) that come under the dimension of psychic phenomena. Their existence has been validated, however, their true form or function has yet to be clarified. They are similar to Psions, in that Psions are particle manifestations of intention and thought, while Pushions are particle manifestations of the emotions from the intention and thought. 

[Note: This is still at a hypothetical stage.]  


Refers to the event where the information of the target is temporarily overwritten. If the information is rewritten, the event will be rewritten. As the nature of phenomena is written in Psions, modifications to these will result in real-world events being temporarily modified as well.

 As the nature of phenomena is written in Psions, modifications to these will result in real-world events being temporarily modified as well

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[Note: Psions = Psyon, it's just a different spelling of it.]  

Magic Power

Magicians are ranked based on their abilities, from E to A. They are calculated by:

- Interference Strength (Strenght of their Magic Sequences for rewriting Eidos)

- Capacity/ Scale of Magic Sequences (Magic Tolerance)

- Processing Power of Magic (Speed of Magic Design and Eidos rewriting)

Magic Casting Techniques

Casting Assistance Device (CAD)

Magic or Magic Sequences can be cast with various tools that assist in the activation and casting of the magic or magic sequence. Commonly used tools are CADs (which come as Generalized or Specialized) for Modern Magic, Charms, Sutras, Talismans, etc. for Ancient Magic. These tools store the Activation Sequences. 

Activation Sequences are a type of Psion. But they alone cannot affect reality. The Psions produced by the user would scramble and then return. This is the function of CADs, to take the Psions initially provided by the activation sequence, and form them into Psions the magician can use to rewrite phenomena: the magic ritual (sequence).


A/N: Alright! This is something that I will be working on alongside my other two books.

The idea for this book came awhile ago, it randomly came to me when I was sleeping. So I was like why the hell not?

Plus, I believe there is only one other fanfiction to this story. (Don't quote me on that!)

Anyways, it will take a while before the prologue appears, as I will be explaining most of the things beforehand.



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