email; a fucking idiot in love | veronica

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subject: a fucking idiot in love

Hey Jughead,
   You do look like a fucking idiot.
But a fucking idiot in love so I guess it's kind of okay, but someone should still break it to you, and since Toni is too busy flirting with Cheryl, I'll have to do it myself.

1. I don't doubt that Betty was your true love, and most people have great love stories through their life, and I am not saying you won't, I'm just saying this isn't going to be only one, and mostly, that you shouldn't stay with her only because you think so.

2. You kissed Toni + She forgave you = You feel like you owe her... but this you ever wonder why she forgave you so fast? Flash news: She kissed Archie while you guys were on a break. That means she didn't tell you, and that means that she forgave you out of guilt = you owe her nothing.

3. That means she cheated on you twice. Once a kiss, a smooch, that's forgivable. Once, she slept with THE SAME GUY multiple times. If a lightbulb didn't just break on top on your head, I am about to recreate the 'Kevin watch the light dude' vine. The penis, of your best friend, who was in a relationship, came over to his best friend's girlfriend's place, and creeped it into her vagina; your girlfriend's vagina, the best friend of the girl who was dating the guy she cheated on you with.

I know, I know. Now you are gonna say that I don't understand your relationship or whatever... but man, Bughead should be over, it's not a healthy relationship.

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