Chapter Five

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I walked inside the club with my hopes held high to see Deep Blue tonight. I still had the note in my purse from this morning. I read it over and over again in the car before I got the courage to come inside to see if fate was on my side. Maybe I can stop him before he runs off again. I came prepared this time.

Many people were here tonight. I can almost say it was a full house. Women were dressed in fancy attires with their dates or their homegirls. I looked at my outfit. I had on a simple black high waist ripped jeans, a red crop top matching with my wedges, red lipstick, and my hair was evenly straigthened. They were intimadating but I kept my head held high. I was convice that I was the only one Deep Blue had his eyes on. I know many off them were here only to play themselves out. I sat at the bar instead of getting a table. I mean, it's only me.

''Hello beautiful. Let me guess...cranberry juice again?'' The bartender joked when he seen me. I playfully rolled my eyes and chuckled.

''That won't be necessary'' I smiled.

''Really? Aw man, I got a whole box filled of cranberry juice I got just for you'' He playfully acted like he was hurt.

I laughed. "Well if you put it like that then.. I'll like to have one'' I said politely. He smiled and reached for the bottle on the shelf.

''Here you go my lady'' He gave me a glass.

''Thanks'' I said lowly. I looked around, hoping to see a familiar face. I really wanted to kick off this night already.

''So, are you Effrin's girl?'' The guy ask, catching me off gaurd. I snapped my head towards him.

''No, why would you think that?'' I asked. He shrugged.

''I mean you guys are always here like you are a couple, I just figured'' I nodded.

''Yeah, but were not. We're just close friends'' I ended the discussion. I really didn't want to talk about the bastard. Especially seeing what I saw ealier today at the resturant. He nodded nevously.

''I'm Devin by the way or D'' He introduced himself. He's cute but I got too many guys in my circle. I nodded. ''Yanaomi but call me Naomi' I responded. He nodded and looked around awkwardly.

''Your performing tonight?'' He questioned. I rolled my eyes. He really getting on my nerves slowly. I plastered a fake smile.

''I don't know'' I shrugged.

''Well you should, I'll love to hear another poem from you'' Devin compliemented me. I smiled.

''Thanks and you will soon hopefully''. There was an uncomfortable silence. I glanced at the door entrance and seen Effrin's face appear in the crowd. I rolled my eyes. I turned to D.

''You know what? Give me the most powerful drink you have'' I blurted out. He widen his eyes and smirked.

"Well damn, lil mama grown some balls''' He exclaimed, giving me a shot glass.


About a half an hour in, I was very tipsy. I drunk slowly cause I knew I had to drive home. Even when I did this, I couldn't handle my liquior and I only had four shots but I felt drunk as shit. My head hurt like hell and my stomach was erupting inside of me. Effrin avoided me ever since he got here. I didn't give a damn. At this condition I was in I would of mess him up with the negative feelings I towards him right now. He couldn't even look at me without turning way.

All through the night, there was no sign of Deep Blue. I began getting disappointed. He was the only reason I came tonight. Maybe it wasn't for me to see him twice. I shook my head as I listen to people poems. Some were good, some were alright. I should go up there but it's too late for that. They were close to ending early. And Effrin was the announcer, I wouldn't like the fact he would call me up there. Just hearing his voice erks me. I want to throw a vodka bottle at his until he bleed to death. I didn't care no more. I felt shattered and I wanted his ass to feel it. Even though I'm shattered in the heart, the head will do for him. I'll fuck up his mind, maybe then he'll think straight.

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