2-4: Deadly Life (Investigation)

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Misaki unleashed a barrage of expletives, looking as if she would murder the next person who so dared to approach her. With both Umeko and Ryousei dead, her rage was hardly uncalled for.

"I told you it was one of them," shouted Katsumi, still adamant that Seishiro and Amaya were the culprits. To be fair, they were first at the crime scene and, of course, holding weapons. "And besides, what else do we have? Two people are dead, hell, it could've been both of them!"

"Why are you making such groundless accusations?" Takehiko spat.

"B-because the person whose talent we needed the most is dead, she's actually dead, and there's two bodies and all of our lives are at stake here and I don't even know where to start-!" Katsumi stammered hysterically.

The sniper stared her down. "Sometimes I feel like you're the reason why our investigations and trials are hard," he said. "All you do is stand there, being nothing but pessimistic. You don't have anything helpful to offer. The truth is that you're too scared to do anything. So maybe this time, instead of crying and demanding pity, you could actually make yourself useful."

Something, like a primal fear, spread across Katsumi's face before Misaki pulled her backwards, the makeup artist forcibly wedging herself between the two.

"Stop yelling at her," she hissed, poised like she was about to attack him. "You're just a smug, condescending, know-it-all asshole who has to belittle everyone else to make yourself feel validated. Isn't that right? It's like you're trying to be all badass and superior, but you're just a bully. Isn't. That. Right?!" Misaki spat the last three words like some foul taste had just entered her mouth.

This time, Keiji intervened before Takehiko could hurl another volley of insults at her. "Please, stop fighting. We can sort this out another time, when our lives aren't on the line. For now, let's get onto investigating - and I'd suggest that the both of you keep away from each other."

Takehiko held his ground while Misaki turned to walk away. "Go to hell," she muttered angrily, holding up a middle finger behind her.

"Stop," warned Keiji, reaching out to grab her arm.

Thankfully, before the situation could devolve into a full-on fight, the intercom started up again.

"Phew, is it getting hot in here or is it just me?" Monokuma cackled. "Anyway, one of our dear darling friends here committed the utterly terrible atrocity that is murder - twice!"

"So you're saying that one person is the culprit?" Komi asked, stone-faced. She still looked shaken from being the first to discover Ryousei's body, but her voice showed none of her bedraggled appearance.

"Oopsie-daisy, I slipped up! Upupupu!" Monokuma singsonged. "Well, not really, given that even if there were two culprits I'd only let one graduate. Hell, it's meant to be a rule, but I think I forgot to add it. Oh well - just let good ol' Monokuma handle the technical things while you all get into the wonderful hands-on murder investigation stuff!" The intercom shut off cleanly.

Misaki and Takehiko were glowering at each other slightly less now, which was good.

Katsuo surveyed the room. "So, are we all to stand here and stare blankly at each other? Because, for those slower-witted ones present, we've just lost arguably the most competent person out of us miserable lot," he said, gesturing Umeko on the floor.

"You're saying you only valued her for her talent?" Naoki accused. "Jeez, and I thought you cared..."

Before the playwright could respond, everyone's ElectroIDs beeped in unison, most likely even those of the two dead students. The Rules tab flashed.

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