3-2: Daily Life

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Of course, Seishiro ought to have expected Monokuma to upend the brief moments of peace that were left in the wake of the trial. He just didn't expect for it to happen so...quickly.

He had been on his way to the music room with Etsuko and Komi, after being collectively being summoned by Katsumi in order to form some kind of orchestra. Admittedly, the resulting musical group would be rather pathetic - they were eleven surviving students total, and surely not all of them could actually play an instrument particularly well - but Katsumi seemed determined to do it.

It was the greatest effort the composer had put towards properly socialising with others - previously, she had isolated herself out of fear, working on projects that would never come to fruition. But now, she had something tangible to create, to work towards, and nobody seemed ready to take that small mercy from her.

Halfway up the stairs to the third floor, the intercom system fired up, blasting Monokuma's voice through the entire school. "Attention, all students! Please report for a mandatory school assembly in the gym, pronto! I'm sure you know by now what the punishment for tardiness is, so hurry your asses down here!"

"Seriously? We just walked up two flights of stairs and have to go straight back down?" Seishiro complained.

"C'mon, exercise is good for you," grinned Etsuko, starting back down the stairwell without losing any momentum.

Komi frowned. "Interesting how you two are more concerned about running down two flights of stairs than what may possibly await us at the bottom. Every last announcement of this sort has ended in us receiving a motive, so..."

"Whatever! I'm not gonna let any of Monokuma's scheming get to me," winked Etsuko, striking a pose.

"H-hey, what are you guys doing, just standing around?" Katsumi interrupted, hurrying down the stairs and passing the trio. Misaki followed behind at a walking pace, shrugging with a smile on her face.

Seishiro raised an eyebrow and started down the stairway, two girls in tow. They were the last ones to arrive, by virtue of being located the furthest away from the gym. Monokuma was already sitting on the podium, looking as cheerful as a robotic bear that couldn't change in expression much could be.

"Upupupu! So, I see our final few slackers have arrived," noted Monokuma. "Now, can anybody guess why you've all been summoned here?"

"Could it-" began Keiji, but barely half a second after he opened his mouth, Monokuma cut him off.

"Too slow," cackled the bear. "Anyway, I guess you could say...it's Motive Time!" He pulled a party popper, spraying its contents onto the stage.

The audience visibly flinched at the word 'motive', given the traumatic experiences that the previous two motives had put them through.

"Now, I know you're all apprehensive about this new motive, but what will you all think if I say it's a way for every single one of you to leave this place, scot-free?" Monokuma leaned forwards on the podium. "Because that's exactly what it is! If you can solve this one little riddle, this game will end and everyone can get their happy ending! Wouldn't that just be great?"

It would be great. But even if it was true...it was Monokuma. Undoubtedly there would be some catch, something that needed to be sacrificed.

"You're not serious," shouted Amaya suddenly. "Letting us all out?! That's totally against everything you've been working for."

"That's why it's a lie," dismissed Komi harshly.

"No, you're the one that's lying," retorted Monokuma. "Seriously, if you fulfil this one condition, everyone gets to live! No hidden fees, no binding contracts!"

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