Chapter 33

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Okay, if I had to pick and do some sort of ranking, this would be one of my absolute favorite chapters so far. Why? Well, go on, read and you'll see. Do you agree? ;-)



Chapter 33

My world was slowly, but steadily crumbling all around me and I had no idea how to stop it. One would have thought I wasn’t in the right mood to go out that night. But, strangely enough, I was. I was still alive. I didn’t have to go to Ryon’s Club and lick Alexander’s boots for a change. While I didn’t know if it would work, I had a plan regarding the Raven and his blackmail attempt. In my book this was a good day.

I was standing in front of the mirror. The top was not mine, but one of Laura’s, who was way more comfortable with showing skin than my humble self. When I told her about going to the Hurricane with Andy, she falsely assumed that this was a date and jumped at the opportunity to be my fashion coach.

I took another critical look at the mirror, assessing my reflection. The top was revealing. It was a fact. Its neckline was very low (the top line of the cloth would only just cover my bra). It was not slutty, but it went way beyond an extended interpretation of modesty – at least in my terms. No way in hell was I going to wear that thing.

I pricked my ears. Was that the doorbell? I checked my watch. Seven-forty-one. That was unusual for Andy, who was not exactly a worshipper of punctuality.

I shrugged. Let him wait. Not my fault if he couldn’t read the clock. By the way, I still had to change.

Somebody knocked on my door.

“Anna, can you come out? We’ve got company,” Laura said from outside.

“Tell him to wait,” I said.

“Um…” Laura seemed to be hesitative. “Okay,” she said.

I heard her shuffle towards the kitchen, or the living room – I couldn’t tell for sure. I went back to the wardrobe. Where was that damned T shirt with the skull? That was when I heard a series of knocks, more forceful this time. It just didn’t sound like Laura.

“Andy is that you? You’ll have to be patient, Mister! I’m not ready yet!” I said in the middle of ransacking a pile of shirts. If it was Laura after all, she could pass the message.

Then another series of blows on the door. And another one. I felt a vein in my forehead start to pulsate. Now I was positive that it was Andy. Laura would have simply entered after me not reacting. Another knock. He was getting on my nerves with his impatience. Fine! I stalked to the door.

“Andy, mute it!” I grabbed the handle, about to yank the door open. “You’re almost twenty minutes too ear… ly!?”

I blinked. And blinked again. The head vampire of New York was right in front of my door, in the flesh.

“Alexander? What are you doing here?”

Instead of answering, the vampire stared at me. Silence. Seconds frozen in time.

He shifted his gaze, lowering it. His eyes brushed my body, slowly; a physical sensation that glided down my skin like the steel of a cold knife. My awareness of his presence came to life, the force of it knocking my senses back and forth with sizzling electricity.

I caught a glimpse of Laura, who appeared behind him. She mouthed something that suspiciously looked like ‘Sorry,’ but couldn’t be verified without further inquiry. I redirected my eyes to Alexander, who was finally in the mood to talk.

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