Chapter 55

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It's Sunday, time for another update!! You know, I've been thinking. I'd really like to know what you guys think about Anna's + Alexander's current 'relationship'. Any theories on how this book might end? What about Andy? I'm curious, so if you feel like it, comment and let me know! ;-)



Chapter 55

Another song. Another three minutes wasted. Shifting my weight from one foot to the other, I stifled the urge to look at my watch, again.

“What are they doing in there – reciting Hamlet?” I muttered – more to myself than anyone in particular.

Of course Zack heard. He moved over to me, grinning.

“Impatient much?” he said.

I gave him a look. For the last ten minutes he’d been doing a good job at looking important and scary, arms crossed in front of him, glaring at anyone that so much as looked at the door behind us. I wished he’d stayed where he was and just left me alone.

“No. I like getting the evil eye from the whole freaking club’s clientele. It’s a hobby I picked up recently,” I said.

He chuckled and let his back rest on the wall beside me. “You’ll get used to it.”

I pushed myself from the wall, glaring at him. “What do you mean, I’ll get used to it?!”

Oh, right. You’re the head vampire’s human servant for good now, remember? Congrats, by the way.

“It didn’t take that long at Leonhard Goshanger’s,” I added.

Zack shook his head. The light of the club did funny things to his auburn hair. For the first time this night I noticed that he’d dressed up for the occasion. The clothes were not as elegant or formal as Alexander’s, but the white silk shirt and jeans looked good on him – despite the fact that the sleeves were a tad too tight in the upper arms.

Maybe he bought it one size smaller on purpose. Most humans can’t feel a vampire’s age, or power for that matter. All they can rely on are their senses. Show them a chunk of muscle, give them the evil eye – you’ll have them where you want them. No vamp voodoo needed.

His green eyes darted to me. “It didn’t take that long at Goshanger’s because he’s one of the coven leaders that cooperate the most with Alexander.” Suddenly he lost his look of mirth and amusement and put on a more sobered expression. “This night is important. What he did – you shouldn’t take it lightly. This is not about him. He’s doing this to stop the murders.”

I crossed my arms in front of me, snorting. “Yeah, I get it. Give him a white linen sheet with blue stripes on the front and he’ll be mistaken for Mother Theresa.”

“You don’t get it, do you? This,” he pointed a finger at the door behind us, “is a last resort. Most other master vampires would have avoided this at all costs.”

“He’s doing it to save his own backside, and we both know it,” I said.

“Are you sure about that?” he said.

I eyed him from the side. What was he trying to say?

Dammit, I didn’t have time for this! I was supposed to get out of here and meet Cole. If I started wondering about the whats and whys of Alexander’s actions, I was going to be stuck here forever.

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