Chapter 48

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Another week over, and I didn't have as much time to write as I'd hoped. Not that that's any news... Still I managed to finish and go over this chapter. So, we're leaving Boyd Park. Anna managed to come out alive, and now the only question that remains is: At what price?

Anyway, I hope you like this one! ;-)



Chapter 48

“You’ll need stitches, honey,” the paramedic stated, her eyes focused on the bloody mess on my left shoulder.

I ignored her over-sugared voice and simply nodded. Somehow I couldn’t muster enough energy to tell her she could drop the act. I knew how bad I looked.

The light in the ambulance vehicle was too bright, the sound of arguing officers outside swimming in a freaking sea of sounds that were too loud. To my relief, Alexander had been brought to another vehicle, although I doubted that human paramedics could do a lot for the vamp.

Maybe they’ll give him a blood bag, I thought weakly.

Sometime during the transport to the hospital I must have dozed off – or fainted, but I would never admit to it – because the next time I opened my eyes, I was looking at walls with the offending, white sterility only a hospital could provide.

I was tended to, hands flying over my body in repeated patterns and skilled manners. I remained silent when the needle penetrated my skin, the numbness of anesthesia in my shoulder and arm barely registering. I closed my eyes to snuff out the sight of gods in white and bore with it.

I was more than relieved when they finally let on that I didn’t have to spend the night in the hospital. Maybe Brown managed to pull a few strings after all. About time he did.

After what felt like ages I was pushed and maneuvered into the hallway in a wheelchair, unable to tell whether I was feeling extremely embarrassed or grateful. Then I was dumped opposite of another white door I was going to have to go through. The knowledge that I would soon tackle my next and hopefully final physical examination of the day was comforting.

I heard movement. The slap-slap of footsteps on the hospital tile. Thinking that it was the nurse finally coming for me, I looked up and found that it was …


My lungs deflated, breath knocked out of my system by the sheer sight of him. I watched him walk down the corridor in long, hastened strides. His hands were shoved into his jeans pockets. He wore the angry stance of someone who had been pushed over the edge, right down into that place where you didn’t even care everybody saw you had a very bad day right on your face. His hair looked like it had been through a wind channel, his clothes ruffled and for the lack of a better word ‘worn.’ Did he run into trouble? Did the rogues confront him?

He stopped in front of me, kneeling down in one swift movement.

“Brown told me where to find you. Are you okay?” He spat the words out, almost yelling at me. As if he was angry I was there to begin with.

I stared at him in disbelief. Andy's voice sounded nothing like the professional grit and steel of someone in control of the situation, nothing like I had expected. It was heated and dripped with anger. Somewhere in there I heard hot, liquid rage that was on the verge of boiling over. I swallowed, pulling whatever was left of my sane, usual self together.

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