The Moon Kingdom

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Silver Millennium, Moon Kingdom

A hurried set of footsteps is heard going down an empty white marbled hall. Harsh breathing comes from a young woman in a long white dress with golden moon accents. Her blonde hair is in two-floor length ponytails with buns leading down from on top of her head. Her blue eyes are frantically looking around for a place to hide. She comes across a large purple door with the Planet Symbol for Pluto on it. She races through just as an explosion rocks the palace. The young woman heads to the large gate in the room. She remembers her mother telling her that it is the Time-Space Gate.

Princess: Father Chronus, hear my plea, take me to a place safer than here.

A bright light surrounds her and she is instantly gone. A few men goes in but they see no one. An older woman dressed in a similar style as the princess, follow after the men. Her silver hair is in the same bun style as well.

Soldier: Forgive us Your Majesty. There is no sign of the Princess.

Queen: There is no forgiveness needed.

A pale light shines from the Queen's pocket. She takes out a crystal and it pulses once before going dull.

Queen Selenity: Pluto I need your assistance.

The Sailor Scout of the Planet of Time appears kneeling at the Moon Queen's feet.

Pluto: You requested me, Your Majesty?

Queen Selenity: Yes please help me find my daughter.

Sailor Pluto approaches the Time-Space Gate.

Pluto: Oh Father Chronus, hear your daughter, take me to the Moon Princess.

The doors remain close. Pluto's eyes widen in surprise.

Queen Selenity: Pluto what happened?

Pluto: There is only one reason the gates would not open. Your daughter is on a destined journey. Only the Fates will watch over her.

The Moon Queen folds her hands over her breast in prayer and closes her eyes.

Queen Selenity: Great Fates, please hear this mother's plea, watch over my daughter.

On Earth, Near the Village of Ruby Shire,

A young man named Armen, the second son of the Captain of the Village Guard, was practicing sword techniques with his best friends Drake, the mage, and Grayson, the healer.

Drake (breaths roughly): Armen I think we practiced enough its almost dusk.

Armen: You're right Drake. Lets all head home.

Grayson: See you guys tomorrow at the festival.

Each went their separate ways. Armen headed to a large house at the edge of town. As he entered the front door, his older brother Collin was waiting for him.

Collin: Where have you been hiding all day, doofus? (sneers)

Armen: Practicing our sword techniques like we are suppose to do. Unlike you I don't laze about like some slob.

Collin: Do you think you can take me punk?

Collin gets up and grabs Armen by the front of his shirt. His fist is ready to punch Armen. Their father, Thor, enters the house soon after Armen does.

Thor: Collin put your brother down now! Armen you know better than to antangize him, even though what you say is the truth.

Collin ruffly shoves Armen to the ground and walks off to the basement. Armen gets up and heads to his room to get ready for bed.

The Haunted: Return of the Moon PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now