Kagome's Discovery

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Kagome ran from the home that she shared with her elder brother and his family. The house burned for several hours. She was able to grab very little in the way of clothes and weapons. Her trusty elvish made bow and arrows sat at her back over a black full length cloak. The hood covered her face enough to not bring suspicion to her.

She raced to the center of town in order to save her sister-in-law and nephew. Unfortunately she was too late, just as she broke through the crowd the doors of the gallows opened. Kagome crashed to her knees and wept for the loss of such innocent lives. A man standing on the gallows, turned white eyes from a young man with forest green eyes to Kagome who knelt just ten feet from him. He smiled a terrible smile at both of them. Kagome recoiled and quickly fled into the crowd to escape the knowing white eyes.

For a year she wondered the forests of the Badlands, never staying in one place for too long. It was the year anniversary of the death of her family. She never found her brother after the fire. Upon the road which she traveled a group of bandits laid in wait, one tackled her to the ground. He ripped her hood off of the cloak, and as they fell her arrows scattered on the ground. Kagome scrambled for the small dagger on her belt. It was given to her by Armen the man she fell in love with. Her hand gripped the handle and plunged it into the man. Another man wrenched the blade from her hand and then held the same dagger against her throat.

Man: Try anything else and you won't be alive much longer.

Tears started to fall from her eyes as the men started to cut at her clothes.

Kagome: Armen, help me please.

A freezing presence was felt by all. A lone man wearing a white short sleeved shirt and brown leather pants walked toward the group. A sword hung from his left side. His black haired head was hanging down low enough so that they could not see his eyes. The man holding Kagome called out to the stranger. She could not see the stranger as her back was to him.

Man: Hey there, would you like to join us? (Laughter comes from the bandits)

Stranger: Release the girl.

Bandit: Why should I, she looks mighty tasty, don't you think?

The stranger drew his sword and slaughtered the bandits as if they were nothing. Kagome covered her head at the first scream of pain. Once the sounds of battle stopped she stood up to thank the kind stranger.

Kagome: Than... (fear tightened her throat)

There stood none other than Armen covered in blood from the bandits. She looked at his eyes but instead of Armen's beautiful sky blue eyes they were Herobrine's white eyes. She backed away quickly but tripped over her bow. Herobrine approached her and grabbed her throat so tightly Kagome started to gag.

Kagome: Stop please. (She tried to pull at his grip)

Herobrine: (in a gruffer Armen's voice) I finally will get rid of the one thing that is allowing Him to fight me, Girl.

Kagome readied her inner power to use against Herobrine. Her own eyes blazed with a bright blue fire.

Kagome (a melodic sound overlapped her voice) : I have crossed the horizon to find you

I know your name

They have stolen the heart from inside you

Herobrine released her from his grip as if someone else was there.

(Within Armen's mind)

Herobrine: Do not fight me Boy. She will die today. (His eyes flashed between sky blue and white)

Armen: Not as long as I am alive you monster.

Kagome: (continued to sing) But this does not define you

This is not who you are

You know who you are

Who you truly are

Kagome walked close to the man she loved. His eyes returned to white and Herobrine regained control. He lashed out his hand to her throat in a stranglehold. Kagome gasped for air.

Kagome: Ar..men I.... I lo...ve you.

Her eyes started to close as her face went blank. As her hands fell away from his fist, Armen wrenched control from Him and quickly released Kagome from his grasp. Thinking he killed her, Armen cradled her body to his chest and cried. Kagome's body lurched forward as she could finally breathe.

Armen: (whispers with wide eyes) Kagome.

Kagome coughed several times to clear her throat. By the time she looked back up Armen fled from her side.

Kagome: (screams) Armen come back please!

Armen hid within a tree while using a spell to conceal his presence from her. Kagome slowly gathered her bow and arrows before running off to try and follow Armen. She stumbles into an Empire camp and is spotted by the Eastern Emperor himself.

Emperor: Hello my dear. You are quite beautiful. I am in need of a wife.

He holds her chin to keep her eyes on him. Kagome narrows her eyes in disgust. The Emperor is quite overweight and pot-marked.

Kagome: I would never be yours.

Emperor: We shall see.

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