Legend of Herobrine: Part 1

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Flash forward one thousand years later on Earth

The first scene begins with Drake and Armen entering a small town, walking along a stone bridge]

Drake: [Turns to Armen] Hey wait.

Armen: Hmm?

Drake: Armen, how did we get here? [Looks around]

Armen: I have... no idea...

[Both look around]

Drake: Where is here? This place seems... strangely familiar. [pauses] You- You know what, it doesn't matter.

Armen: Yeah.

[They move deeper into the town]

Drake: Wait wait wait. Wait wa- wait. Shouldn't it matter though? I mean, it should... shouldn't it? I don't know.

Armen: That we're in I think a [Sound of block breaking] random village.

Drake: I don't know... It seems familiar...Have we been here before? You know what... I don't know. Have we?

Armen: [Spots dagger] What's this? [Moves towards it]

Drake I don't know. What is that?

Armen: [Picks up dagger] Dagger.

Drake: That's odd.

Armen: We can probably return it to someone in the village.

Drake: I suppose so.

Armen: I mean, if it's a village or something.

[Armen and Drake continue down the gravel path]

Drake: Hang on. Let's figure out where we are. I think it must be important. [Comes up to a sign] What does this say...

Armen: Ruby Shire?

Drake: Ruby Shire School. That sounds also very, very familiar. Have we been here before?

Armen: [Walks into school grounds] Yeah... I remember. We've been here.

Drake: We had to have been here before. [Sighs] [Follows Armen into school grounds] I remember... all of this. But I don't know how. [Walks out and continues down path]

Armen: [Follows Drake] [Sighs] I don't know...

Drake: I don't see anyone around here. Should there be people here? [eerie gong noise] There should... but I don't see anybody.

Armen: [Makes weird noise]

Drake: Wait... [Lifts head.] [Sees netherrack in a window] What's this? [Walks over to house] [Vision starts swirling] [Loud Sound] What is that? Aack. My head! [Grunts in pain] [Sound grows louder]

Armen: What is going on!?

[Screen goes black]


Drake: [Scene opens to a nether brick room full of lava] My head....[Groans] What a headache. [Sighs] [Looks up] Oh Woah. Woah. Lava. That's ah [Laughs] not good. [Sees Armen on other side of room] Armen?! Ohh.

Armen: Huh?

Drake: Armen? Is that you?

Armen: Yeah, it's me.

Drake: Dude, what's going on?

Armen: [Coughs] I don't know.

Drake: [Coughs] It's kind of- What is that, ash in the air?

Armen: I don't know. Let's get out of here.

Drake: Alright. Uhh... oh god...

Armen: What's this? [Picks up dagger]

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