Final Battle

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Armen is suddenly awaken from sleep by a horrific nightmare. He seen the love of his life hanging within thorn filled vines. Her lifeless body is illuminated by flashes of red lightning. The words he hears chills him to the bone. "Why didn't you save me Armen?" Her voice is slightly muffled and gruff. He quickly looks over at his friends and sees everyone still alive and sleeping. Cuddled next to him is Kagome, the younger sister to Grayson and best friend to Miaya.

Herobrine attacks without warning on his dragon. Everyone is awaken to the dragon's roar. Drake, Miaya, Kagome, Grayson, Armen and Collin stands back to back surrounded by enemies, the followers of Herobrine. All seemed lost.

Herobrine: (laughs) You fools can never win. I am immortal. You only delay the only outcome.

Armen: Face me in open combat. Just me and you!

Herobrine: There is no need for any of that. My victory is already assured.

Kagome: Why are you doing this? What reason is there for all of this death and destruction?

Herobrine: Just because I can little girl.

He approaches Kagome. Armen quickly places himself in between them with his back facing Kagome, while drawing his reforged Fiery Sword.

Armen: Kagome get back. We can handle it.

The others surround her to keep her in the middle of the group.

Kagome: Armen I can help please.

Armen: (looks over his shoulder) No Kagome, I can't lose you. Not this time.

Grayson: It's our job to protect you Sis.

Miaya: We won't let you down my friend.

Drake: Kagome you must survive. Remember who you are.

Armen engages Herobrine in battle. Armen is quick to receive a cut on his cheek and a few other places. Grayson and the others fight off the cultists. Armen and Herobrine lock blades and he is pushed away from Herobrine. He goes down onto one knee leaning on his sword.

Armen: (panting heavily) Is that the best you got?

Herobrine: As if you can stop me mortals. Only the Moon Princess can but she won't ever show herself again.

Armen pushes off of his knee to attack him again. Herobrine catches Armen off guard with a blow to the head and he drops.

Kagome: (runs over in front of him) Armen! I have to protect my friends.

She transforms into Sailor Moon. Armen wakes up to see her transformation finish.

Armen: Kagome no! Just get out of here.

Kagome: I'm not leaving you guys to face this alone.

Herobrine starts to laugh hysterically.

Kagome: What's so funny?!

Herobrine: Do you really think you can win Little Girl? You are weak.

Kagome raises her weapon and unleashes a great blast of golden energy.

Kagome: I won't let you win Herobrine! I can't allow him to survive.

He throws up an fire shield to protect himself from the blast. Kagome sees this and decides to sacrifice herself to give her friends time to get away. She gets in front of the others and uses a spell taught to her by Drake. Any attack made by Herobrine would be directed to her instead of the others. Herobrine charges a spell of the lightning element and fires at Armen. A bright light shines in front of Kagome bringing the lightning to her and destroying a flower like crystal. The crystal was her heart in a sense. Without it she would die. Kagome screams in pain and slowly falls face first to the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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