Chapter 2

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Jessica POV

Justin had told me to meet him outside the school that night at 8:00. I was sort of nervous. I didn't know what to wear, I didn't even know what we were doing. I just knew a time and a place. But, maybe this is what I need to do. I shouldn't be so uptight about everything, I should just do it and see what happens.

So, I got home. Threw on a tank and some shorts and walked out the door. It was like 7:30 already, because my dad wanted to give me a tour of the town. I guess he forgot I had lived in Stratford until I was ten.

When I got to the school, it was almost I just stood and waited at the front doors. My outfit choice wasn't the best, it was freezing. I hate Canada weather. I saw Justin's hummer pull up to the school. Justin, this other guy and this girl got out. They looked familiar, I must have seen them around the school.  

"Hey Jessica. This is Christian, and this is Madi. Guys, this is--"

"Jessica, we got it Justin. Nice to meet you." Madi said, smiling at me. 

"Nice to meet you, too." I smiled back. I hope this wasn't going to be awkward. 

Christian was being really quiet, staring at Madi. I think they're dating. They are such a cute couple..I wanna be like that someday. I looked over at Justin, I forgot how perfect he was. 

"Do you want my jacket? You look cold." Justin asked me, wow. He was a gentleman too!

"Are you sure? I don't have to, that is really nice of you." He put his jacket around my shoulders, and walked to the car and opened the door. It was for me I guess, because the lovebirds weren't getting in. 

"Thanks, Justin." I said, and got in the car. 

Madi and Christian got in the back, they were holding hands. Too cute. She whispered something to him, and he laughed. She looked at me and said, "Jessica, I'm glad we have another girl in the group. Caitlin is always away with her boyfriend.

"Who's Caitlin?" I asked. 

"My sister...and Justin's ex." Christian said, and laughed. 

"Dude. I am going to KILL you." Justin said. 

They were funny, the way they interracted with each other. Picking on each other for the fun of it. These were true friends. I almost felt like I was intruding..aside from Madi's comment. She seemed to like me. And that was good, maybe I could become apart of this group. This great group of friends. I felt pretty welcome. 

When we stopped driving, we ended up at the park. Madi got out and ran to the open field on the left side of the park, Christian following her but still holding on to her hand. They both fell down and laughed. Christian helped her up and kissed her...they were in love. Aww. 

I had just realized that Justin had opened my door, waiting for me to get out. I stepped down, and we walked over to the two lovebirds. 

"Guys, you kiss too much. Can you at least tone it down when we have guests?" Justin said, looking at them and laughing. 

"Justin, you are going to be just like this when you and Jessica start dating." Christian said, jokingly. 

Justin gave him this look of hatred. It was really funny. But that wasn't going to happen. Not right now at least. 

I looked at the ground, thinking. Thinking about what I had told myself earlier. That I had to stop being so uptight about everything. To just "go with the flow," like my dad had always said. I wondered what would happen if me and Justin did start dating. Could we be like Madi and Christian? They were perfect for each other...

"Do you guys see that?" Madi asked, she sounded scared. 

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