Chapter 7

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Jessica POV

We all got in Justin's Range Rover, and drove to the mall. I couldn't believe their news, I was so happy for them. They are going to be great parents. 

When we got inside, I remembered all the times I had come here as a kid. 

I remember dropping my ice cream from McDonald's in the food court and running to my dad screaming, "Daddy! Daddy! My ice cream fell!" And when ever something like that happened, he would always say, "Well, thats alright. At least you're still the cutest kid in Canada."

"But Daddy, my ice cream!"

"Oh, don't worry. Let's go get you another one."

I remember going to Toys'R'Us and getting upset because they didn't have Barbies or American Girl Dolls. My dad had made me feel better by picking out a stuffed pony for me. I still have that pony. I sleep with it when I'm uspet, it helps remind me of all the great times I had with my dad. 

Justin was staring at me. "Jessica? You okay?" 

"Oh. Yeah. This just brings back old memories." I hadn't realized I was tearing up. 

"Oh yeah...I forgot you lived here before." Justin smiled at me, and held my hand. 

We tagged along behind Madi and Christian for about 10 minutes, and then we all came to a stop in front of Forever21. Which I assumed was Madi's favorite store. 

"Jessica, wanna shop?" Madi asked, smiling at me. "Let's pamper ourselves. It's on me, too."

"What about the boys?" 

"They get their guy time, we get our girl time. Come on, it'll be fun!"

"Are you sure? I can pay." 

"No, I insist." She smiles at me, and kissed Christian goodbye. 

"Okay." I smiled back, looks like I was getting a makeover. 

Justin POV 

As we walked away from the girls, I couldn't help but laugh. Anybody could tell Jessica really didn't want a makeover. 

"Justin, can we talk?" Christian asked as we walk into a jewelry shop.

"Sure. Just tell me what we're doing here."

"Well, thats what I want to talk about actually...--" 

"Wait, you aren't proposing to Madi are you?"

"I am." He smiled big, and I couldn't help but feel happy. 

"Man, I am so happy for both of you. Don't you think you are a little young to get married though?" 

"Well...I honestly don't care. I know Madi is the girl I will be with forever. I want to show her just how much I love her."

"Okay. Just want to make sure you thought this through. I love you both so much. I'm best man right?" I said, winking at him.

"Of course! Who else would it be? And another thing...will you be Godfather?" 

He wanted me to be Godfather?! Whoa. This was overwhelming. This made me really happy. I was going to to have another baby to hang out with, along with Jazzy and Jaxon. They were going to love their baby, they loved Madi and Christian after all. 

He gave me an inquiring sort of look. 

"Of course I'll be Godfather! I can't wait! So, do you know whether it is a boy or a girl yet?" 

"No. i don't care though. As long as its healthy." 

"Well, have you planned out any names yet?"

"I think Madi has. Of course, being me, I forgot what they were." He laughed. 

All of a sudden we heard alarms. Everyone started running around screaming. 

"Let's go find the girls!" Christian yelled to me. 

We ran through the crowds trying to find Madi and Jessica. Everyone was seriously going berserk. 

I caught a glimpse of Jessica's red sweater racing throught the crowds.

"Christian! Over there!" 

We ran over to them, and they finally noticed us. 

"What's happening?!" Jessica yelled. I could barely hear her.

Christian was gaping, open-mouthed at something. "That's happening." He said, pointing. 

I looked to where he was pointing and noticed a few police cars parked outside. The police were digging up another body. And that body was Caitlin. 

We ran outside. 

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