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Prince Matthew x Sheriff Thompson

"Goodness, you are still tight, Thompson~" Matthew breathed, trailing his slender fingers up Thompson's bare spine, the tips pricking the other man's skin. Thompson shuddered. He had been stripped except for his dirty black socks, leaving him feeling exposed to his lover.
The one-eyed-man was in quite the lewd perdicament. Matthew had walked into Thompson's temporary room and found the bloke palming himself. 'Exploring yourself without me?' Matthew had thought, bitting his finger. The smaller man's back was to the door so he never noticed Matthew until he had felt thin fingers tug at his vest.
Now, he sat on Matthew's slim but lengthy member. He could feel it twitch against his clenching walls. Though this was not their first time, Thompson still found it hard to adjust. Thompson gasped. Olive oil leaked from his hole and was slathered on Matthew's member. He had his legs spread out so that access was easier, and in turn, giving the ginger a pleasant view of his erection. Thompson's eye was lidded and his mouth was parted.
His mind was foggy and his groin began to ache. He let out another gasp which turned into an outright moan when he felt the member jerk inside him.
"Sorry, I thought you were growing restless." Matthew apologized, though it was strained from pain. Thompson's rim had a vice grip on his member.
Matthew was on his back, propped up by his elbows.
"Ow, ow, ow!"
Thompson looked down. "What?"
"T-To...tight, love."
Thompson's eye lit up. "Oh!" He hurridly did his best to calm.
He adjusted himself a few times. His hole trembled as he did. "Yer good?.." He breathed.
Matthew nodded.
Thompson nodded, more to reassure him that he did not just try to choke his partner's member, and elaveted himself. His legs trembled as he nearly lost the tip of the member and tried to slide it back in. The sheet slipping under his left foot, ending up with him collasping on Matthew's member.
Thompson grunted, his teeth gnashed together as Matthew moaned.
Thompson made a face.
Matthew laughed weakly. "S-Sorry~" He started to sit up, cradling the shaky legged man in his lap.
"Try again." Matthew held Thompson's sturdy hips,making the bloke blush but it didn't stop him from attempting to rise again.
With the help of Matthew he made one successful bounce.
Thompson panted and did it again.
And again.
And again.
It was a slow rhythm set merely by Thompson who panted in delight. 'As long as nothin' crazy happens, everythin' will be a-ok.'
His eye widened when Matthew started to push him further down.. "Aaahh~!" He shook.
Thompson opened his mouth to say something but another pull down made him choke on his words.
"M-Matthew~" Thompson groaned in a husky drawl.
Matthew smirked deviantly at the mess he made the smaller man from just a few inches.
Eventually, Thompson bottomed out on the member, wheezing from the pleasure of being filled to the brim.
Matthew lied on his back again; his hands rested on Thompson's small thighs.
The smaller bloke was practically a midget compared to the taller, more broader, prince. That didn't mean Thompson was some skinny child; no, he had some muscle. He had to if he was going to be fighting bandits and keep up a trustworthy image. However, once crime did become too much, he let himself go a little, hence the thin arms.
Thompson bounced; he was successful. He tried another stable bounce but Matthew met it, making him gasp.
His knees trembled as he lifted himself up again and sank back down, with the prince thrusting right back up.
His spine felt jolts of electricity shooting up through his spine, lips parting as he screamed, "F-Father!!!"
The prince stopped, stiff as a board. "What?" He smiled nervously.
Thompson, in the other hand, went florid. Shyly, he turned his head away. He felt ashamed. 'Prince probably thinks I'm disgustin'..a true vermin.'
A hand grabbed his arm. "Thompson?"
The embarrassed man peeked down at the prince, surprised to see him blushing as well, albiet uncomfortably.
His heart sank. "What?"
"D...Did you enjoy calling me that?" Matthew asked.
Thompson's eye widened. 'What?!'
"Yeah..." He admitted.
"Well...." Matthew sat up, intertwining his fingers with Thompson's. "Then I want you to s c r e a m it~"
Thompson felt blush overwhelm his face. He nodded shyly, shifting on the prince's erection.
Matthew chuckled, watching his horny lover squirm. Sure, he thought the name was absolutely filthy but if it got Thompson going then he'd allow it. Besides, he couldn't get more unholy than this.
Matthew thrusted inside Thompson, making him slump on his chest.
The one-eyed-man looked up at Matthew, his cheeks so flushed and eyes so hazed.
It was positively a sight to see for the prince who wrapped his arms around Thompson's firm waist and rammed up in him, making the man shout in ecstacy.
Matthew smirked and did it again, loving how Thompson shook from every thrust.
Matthew thought Thompson was so animated. Anyone could read him like an open book. If he was happy, one could tell by his wide smile or the twinkle in his eye. If he was impressed, his eye lit up and admiration would glow on his face.
Whenever he was embarrassed, he'd hide his mouth, fidget with his fingers, and look everywhere but Matthew.
Or whenever he was aroused, he'd willingly spread his legs for Matthew and give him a shy look. But, this does not mean he completely gave himself up. No, he'd barked at Matthew whenever he didn't like something. It was refreshing sometimes to hear the thick drawl in his speech when he was angry. It showed Thompson was a human. A human Matthew wanted to ravage and fornicate to his heart's delight.
Thompson panted as he took Matthew's thrusts, stuttering over choked moans when they randomly increased. Something deep inside him was being hit, abused. It reminded him of a bullet but so pleasurable it was overwhelming.
"Aahh! F-Father, right there! In there, I-I beg you!" Matthew felt something trigger inside him. He pounded away in Thompson, hitting that special area so he could make Thompson feel like a God. And just like that, Thompson arched his back as stars exploded in the back of his eye. He screamed a final 'Father!' Before panting, body stiff as semen spurted out. Matthew quickly buried himself deep in Thompson, bending him in half as he proceeded to fill the shorter man.
Hot semen filled Thompson. He shuddered when Matthew pulled out.
Matthew scooped Thompson into his arms with a giggle. "That was fun~" He smiled in his ear. Thompson chuckled. "Yeah." He looked away, trying to hide that smile Matthew adored.
Matthew pecked Thompson's cheek and rested his head on Thompson's sweaty shoulders.
Matthew had his prize and Thompson had his prince.
"Thompson, I think there's something on your nose."
Thompson turned to him, confused. "Matthew, I don't think we have-"
He was cut off by an endearing kiss from his sparkling prince.
Thompson closed his eye and wrapped his arms around Matthew, basking in the wonderful afterglow of his love.

Next chapter is due near the end of March and it will be a two parter if I can make it long enough. Thank you and see you four weeks from now.

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