31. "Horsing around"

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Cole's POV:

Dusk, my favorite time of day. A the distant sound of horse's cooled my hyper nerves. From the I sat on my grandparents porch breathing in the oceans sweet scent.

My thoughts were stable when I was near the ocean. I just stared out into the days most beautiful time while the oceans waves brushed against the beach calmly.

I turn my head and a girl comes by me. She sits down next to me in the wet sand. Her curly hair had grown and was whipping against her face due to the oceans breeze. She had a set of black mini shorts and a loose white tank top.

In her lap was a bowl of sweet and fresh strawberries. She turned to look at me, and her eyes shined just like the day around us.

"Coley Roley, want one?" She asked me in her sweet soft voice.

"Sure." She hands me a strawberry.

"You know, I was thinking about how my life would be the other day." She puts the bowl down and lays back. "And the neighbor's rabit runs by my feet. I was wondering what that night mean." She turns her head to look at me as I lay back beside her.

"Rabbit," I stare up at the cloudy sky. "Rabbit, free, wild, crazy."

She brushes her hair out of her face and pulls it back with a hair band that was gently wrapped around her small wrists.

"Huh, that's interesting." She says plainly.

"It can also mean desire and hope." I said as her hand brushed against my left hand.

"What's even weirder, is I was thinking about my dream house when I heard a dog bark." Her voice had a puzzled tone as she furrowed her eyebrows and stared deeply at the stars.

"Well, a dream house normally is associated with freedom and individuality. Dogs are normally symbosed with fate." I said plainly. I took a quick glance at her but there was nothing I could read on her face.

"I mean, I should have seen it coming." She threw her arms in the air and let them hit the ground.

"What do you mean?" I asked her as we turned our heads to look at eachother. "Tess?"

"My puppy died the day I found out that my boyfriend was cheating on me. I mean he asked me for sex right before hand too! The nerve!" She looked away from me as a tear traveled down her face. "I looked into what a dead puppy ment." Her voice was weak and growing quiet. "Cause I like reading and knowing deeper meanings. A dead puppy... means your sense of loyalty and innocence is dying."

"I'm really sorry." I say quietly.

Then there was a silence. Not an awkward silence a peaceful calming silence. The smell of the ocean and strawberries sourounded us. The only sound as the dusk faded into night was the sound of far off horses and the close sound of waves hitting the beach.

Even though it was peaceful I stood up and offered her my hand. She sat up and took my hand. I pulled her up, and she took her phone out of her back pocket.

A song started to play as she put her arms around my neck.

"I'm already there." She sang quietly to the music. "Take a look around. I'm the sunshine in your hair."

I put my hands on her waist as we begin to dance as the night's beauty began to swollow us bad everything t touched. The sun finally had set when she reached up on her tippy toes and set her lips on mine gently.

I span her around.

"I'm the shadow on the ground." I whisper into her ear as her back is pressed against me.

"I'm the whisper in the wind." She sings back to me as she places my arms around her.

"I'm your imaginary friend." I say as I place my head on top of hers as we sway slightly.

Tess closes her eyes as a smile forms on her face. "And I know in in your prayers."

I lift my head off of hers when a horse nieghs in the distance. My arms unwrap from her as I make my way around her. "I'm already there."

She puts her arms around my neck once more and jumps up. Her legs are wrapped around me, and my arms are wrapped around her. Our foreheads are touching as we listen to the song.

Tess unwrapped her legs, and I sat her down on the sand as the song faded out. She looked down at her feet and avoided my gaze.

"What's wrong?" I ask her but her gaze shifts away from me. "Tess, what's wrong?"

No verbal response. She throws her arms around me and her face is buried into my chest because she isn't even five feet tall.

We stand there for few minutes while I rub her back and she stays silent. Neither of us made a single sound. The only noise was the contentious sounds of the distant horses and the ocean waves.

Slowly as we became calmer the sound of the ocean began to increase. It grew louder by the second. Strangely, all of a sudden, the sound of the ocean stopped. It was right next to us, maybe twenty five feet away. The sound of the horses rapidly increased. Their noise was no longer the normal one, but more panicked as they whinnied.

Tess backed away from me and held my left hand.

"Cole, what does the left hand symbolise?" She asks me with a tear rolling down her face.

"Weakness, and death." I reply with a blank face not even looking at.

"What do horses symbolize?" She asks as her voice showed it was obvious that she was crying.

"Death." My awnser was plain, simple, and showed no emotion.

I knew this was coming. I just didn't believe it would come this soon, and that Tess would be the one.

"I love you Cole, I'm sorry."

HEY MY DUDES!! Don't murder my face. I know you can probably tell what happened. As I said, I will be writing bonus chapters for each person. So just wait.


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