BONUS: Mr. Barnes

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Mike's POV:

I watched as my children threw stones out onto the lake. Three out of the four.

Kodi (left) and Lucas (right) were both 18 as of today, yet they acted as if they were five

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Kodi (left) and Lucas (right) were both 18 as of today, yet they acted as if they were five.


They give each other a wicked smile before they run into our lake house.

My other son, Jayden, is 16 and looks more like his father than anyone else. He was in military school but is taking a week off to mourn his mother's death and celebrate his brothers birthday.

 He was in military school but is taking a week off to mourn his mother's death and celebrate his brothers birthday

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I looked to my other side and there was Graci sitting by her mothers grave.

I walk over and sit by her. She glances at me then lays a white rose on her mother's grave.

"Dad, what was mom like?" She asks me with a croaky tone.

Graci never got the chance to know Eva. Thirteen years ago Diego had murdered Eva, two months after Graci was born.

"She was perfect. She had a loving spirit, a great sense of humor, a beautiful face, and the most amazing smile you could ever see." I say calmly while looking out into the water in front of me.

"So how's the gang going? Have they found him yet?" She asks out of no where.

Yes, my children knew about my gang. Kodi, Lucas, and Jayden really didnt give a flying fuck about it, but Graci, she loved the trill, adventure, and danger that came with it.

"Actually, yes we have. There's a trap set up, and we should be able to capture and kill him, and since you want to run a gang, you have a large role in this plan." I laugh as she stares at me with wide eyes. "Your dating his nefew, and we have already wiped out all of his members except one. He will take you this abandoned motel, there you will take vengeance foe me. This is your test, if you pass this, Graci, you will inherent the gang in five years."

She gave me a quick nod then ran off to go change into something more appropriate.

I know I look like a bad father but she's one of the best. I mean if she hadn't beaten me in hand to hand the other day, I would be murdering him myself.

I look back at my four children. Graci had punched Lucas and he was now on the ground. Her foot met his stomach ouch, and now she has the gun. What the fuck is she going to oooouch, he's not having children anytime soon.

I make my way over to Jayden who is sitting on the stairs up to the house.

"Are you going to stop her?" He gestures to his older brother who is on the ground, his sister that could kill hi, but isn't going to.

"Nope, Lucas is an utter dumb ass  and most likely deserves what she's doing." I say causing Jayden  laugh.

Kodi comes over and sits on my other side with his hands up.

"What has he done now?" I ask as Graci let's the butt of the paintball gun bounce off of his stomach.

"He shot her in the ass, and said." H cleared his throat and sounded like Patrick from Spongeboob,"'HA HA! I shot a an ugly ass hoe in the ass. She ain't gonna do nothing cause she's a weak little pussy!'"

"Your stupid, you know that right?" Jayden says quite meanly.

"Your both stupid dicks." I say as I watch Graci drop the gun and leave her brother on the ground.

"We learned from the best Dad." Kodi laughs and I smack him on the back of the head.

"Kodi, you want to be a doctor right?" I ask him and he nods his head. "Go help that hoe on the ground there. Once your sister comes back I'll gather everyone in the living room and make a disgrace of his stupid ass."

"What a loving father you are." Jayden says with a snicker.

"Yep, now go do something and leave me alone. How about you go dig a grave?" I say and he gets up and goes to go work out in the barn.

Jayden spends most of his time in the barn building shit out of wood. It's impressive but he doesn't want to do anything with his talents.

I smile and shake my head as Kodi is dragging his brother by his feet across the ground.

"Hey Dad?" I turn around to see my lioness behind me.

"Hey Dad?" I turn around to see my lioness behind me

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"Is this okay?" She gestures to her outfit. All ragged black, perfect.

"Nope. You look too innocent. Go beat up your brother again. I say as I pick up a bit of loose dirt and throw it at her shoes.

"Your sooo funny Dad, you know that right?" She rolls her eyes.

"Hey, you know that huge room we have in the back of the house?" I say calmly.

"Yeah, you mean moms lady cave?" She asks as I send a smile her way.

"Yeah, that room. I think its about time it gets passed on. I have just one rule." She nods.
"You have to have at least a hundred beanbags." I laugh.

"Why?" She says really confused.

"Because it was a mistake your mother had made." I start to laugh and she sits by me.

"TELL ME THE STORY!" She yells in a manly voice while shaking my shoulders.

"OK, so your mother got to decorate a room. She put in an order for ten beanbags. Instead she put in an extra zero. So she ended up having a massive fort of beanbags in the corner of the room. It was hallarious." I say with my hands up.

She starts to laugh and I look up to the sky.

"Eva," I whisper. "If you can hear me. Thank you for these beautiful children."

HEY MA DUDES! So, you'll get Ivy's book in a few months, but I advise you to check out Eva's book!


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