Shot. 1: The game of love is played by two but won by both...

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👉 Are you all ready to see the life journey of the Super Star and the super model....

👉 Step inside the story by keeping your right hand on the star button.... Done... Good...

Without further adieu lets move to shot. 1:

A beautiful and classy villa with the name "Arora Mansion" welcomes everyone with a floral bouquet.... It is the most wanted place in the city as a beautiful diva, a woman of self dignity and elegance named Pragya arora lived with her head held up high...

She is the most searched person in the social media and people are really crazy for her... But she never cares about anything and always focus on her career and least bothered about money, fame and success.... Love, marriage are not at all in her priority list....


One fine morning,

Pragya is sweating and running in the treadmill way too hardly, huffing and panting as she has to burn her unwanted calories a lot... She is a big foodie and when she sees her favorite food , she never bothers about her diet or anything...

But poor soul has to maintain her figure as she has to endorse many health and fitness products and she want to set a perfect example to everyone...

Pragya finishes off her work out and gets down and wipes her face with a towel... Just then the maid came and informs her that a famous director Mr. Vihaan kapoor has come to meet her as she has given appointment to him...

Pragya asks the maid to serve him with refreshments and asks her to inform  him to wait for sometime as she will join him after freshening up...


Pragya: Im extremely sorry Mr. Vihaan for making you to wait....

 Vihaan for making you to wait

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Vihaan: Its okay darling ... No formalities between us my dear buddy... So, what's the thing I asked for... Its an yes only na... Please na sweety...

Im in a very big problem... You only can save me.... Im surrendering my biggest dream in front of you... Please show some mercy on this poor soul...

Yeah... Yeah... I knew it... You are smiling... So, its yes from your side... Oohooo.... I did it atlast....

Pragya: Uffo... You are irritating me vihaan... You won't leave me na if I say no too...

Vihaan: Nah... nah... I wont leave you unless you say yes to me.... Pragya please please accept it ... Trust me you will become a biggest sensation in the film industry too...

Endless As ocean... Timeless As Tides - Abhigya TS By CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now