As Long As I Have You, Nothing Else Matters... (EPILOGUE)

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Let's not waste the time and move to the epilogue directly....


🌹🌹 Every time I say I love you, I'm trying a lot to say more than this three little words...

I want to find out the perfect words to say you mean a lot to me..

I'm trying to convey you how much I adore you and want to cherish our togetherness forever...

I want to remind you that you are the best thing that happened in my life and your presence with me gives an unknown peace and strength inside me... 🌹🌹

🌴🌴 Here is my love for you... Do Take it...
Here is my soul for you... Do use it..
Here is my heart for you.. Keep it safely, but don't break it...
Here is my hands for you... Hold it tightly and firmly in your grip...
Here is my whole self for you... Have it and we will make it a together forever happily.... 🌴🌴


A beautiful and magnificent villa with the name " Mehra Mansion" stands majestically and with a pride that it belongs to the Superstar Abhishek Prem Mehra and his family.... It's the most important place of the city and there won't be a day left without it's being surrounded by fans and parparazzi....

But the inmates of the house, stays very simple as they are... No one can say such kind of down to earth persons lives inside the house... Fans were treated diligently and there is big room in the entrance of the villa where fans are allowed to meet the celebrities of the house at a particular time or whenever they are  free...


It's a fine evening.... The sun starts to shut down its wonderful rays which it showers on the beautiful earth and making it to glow and blush with pride... The beauty queen who has a calm and composed look, the angel in white, the moon, starts to shower the earth with its glistening rays...

A young boy and a girl are huffing and panting and running as fast as they can.... They are running as if a dog is chasing them and they are behaving wierd as if they will lose their lives, if they stop a second too... Both were throwing daggers on each other and cursing the other with a ragged breath...

They halts their steps, near the Mehra Mansion and tries to grab a lung full of air to regain their breath.... Both stumbles a lot as they are hell tired by running for a long time and they kneels down not able to stand straight properly....

The watchman (Ramu kaka) who saw the duo, rushes and opens the gate for them and salutes the duo which they accept it with a beautiful smile in their faces....

Ramu kaka: Pratheek beta and Preethi beta... What happened to you two??? Where is the car and why have you come running like this??? You two are fine right...

Pratheek: Ramu kaka... Let's talk that later... Car got broke down on our way and we can't hire a cab as there is huge traffic over there and its peak hours na... So, we came running here... Where are they??? Have they Left???

Ramu kaka nods his head making Pratheek and Preethi to gasp in shock... Preethi hits Pratheek furiously and curses him with all bad words, she knows...

Preethi: All because of you dracula... I will kill you, if they didn't talk with me... It's all your fault... For escaping from them, you purposely dragged me to the movie na... I hate you idiot...

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