Shot. 2: I won't give up on you... So, don't give up on me...

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Without further adieu, let's move to shot. 2 or the last part of this story... Still epilogue is on the way... 😉😉😉😉...

The shot may be little bit bigger... Don't get bored guys...

Warning: Read at your very own risk... Strictly no bashing is allowed...


📝 I just want to love you only twice in my lifetime... That's now and forever...

📝 No matter how strong a girl is, she too has some weakness... All she needs at that time is a hug and care from her loved ones...

📝 Real love stays strong by facing all the toughest storms and coming up determined by holding hand in hand with a hope to live together... They breaks all the odds and love till eternity, no matter what...


Pragya is walking too and forth as she is hell angry on abhi

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Pragya is walking too and forth as she is hell angry on abhi... It's been almost five years since they met properly... Abhi just turned up one day, before four years with his family to ask her hands for marriage, out of nowhere...

Abhi didn't took any initiative to talk with pragya nor he even turned his gaze on her when the elders were talking... After the ugly encounter with pragya's parents, abhi just gave his diary to pragya saying that he will wait for her all his life and walked away from there...

Abhi neither confessed his love nor proposed pragya that he loves her crazily and fell in love with her before they met in shooting and want to marry her.... After the bad incident, however hard pragya tried, she couldn't able to meet abhi nor she is able to contact him by any cost or by any means too...

Though pragya is in touch with abhi's family and talking with them daily, abhi purposely avoided pragya and didn't allowed anyone to say what he is doing... It's pragya who fought with her family and protested a lot to marry abhi while abhi kept mum all these time and focuses his attention only on his career....

Though abhi gives back to back hits, pragya understoods that abhi badly misses her on seeing his face while watching his movies... Pragya who hates watching movies started to watch abhi's movies whenever she misses him... The only thing she hates is that abhi romancing the heroines in the movies, yet she started to imagine herself in that place....

The movie which abhi and pragya acted together is like a heart beat for pragya and she used to watch it for the umpteenth time when she badly needs abhi's presence with her... The diary which abhi gave to pragya became a life support system for her which keeps her hopes alive and had a strong belief that they will be united one day for sure...

Pragya faced a toughest war and had a big fight with her parents and finally they agreed for abhigya's marriage fearing that their daughter will take any drastic step spoiling their family name or will disown them too, if they didn't agree for marriage...

Endless As ocean... Timeless As Tides - Abhigya TS By CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now