Chapter 2

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I wake up, feeling cold. I reach out, trying to find Jack, and he isn't there. I open my eyes and sit up with a start.

"Morning beautiful." Jack says. "It's okay, I just had to put my clothes on."

"Oh, crap." I scramble out of bed and pull on my night shirt and underwear.

When I look over at the bed, Jack has laid down and is smirking at me. "Enjoying the show babe?"

He nods. "Come here."

I launch myself at him, and somehow I end up underneath him. He kisses me passionately and I kiss him back.

"We should probably try to go back to sleep so my parents don't get suspicious." I say breathlessly when he finally breaks away to start kissing my neck.

He bites my neck softly and I moan. "Jack..."

Suddenly, I hear foot steps coming up the stairs. I pull Jack down on the bed, put his arms around me and mine around him, rest my head against his chest, and press our bodies close together.

Just as my dad opens the door, Jack and I close our eyes and pretend to be asleep. I sigh and nuzzle Jack's chest, as I would if I were actually asleep. Jack tightens his arms around me and relaxes again. After a minute, my dad closes the door. I wait for the sound of my dad getting to the bottom of the stairs before I open my eyes and glare at Jack.

He is smiling widely down at me and I'm instantly not mad anymore. "See?"

He nods and looks down at me affectionately. "Do you know how much I love you?"

"You're my Dante."

He smiles. "Mhm. And you love me to the moon and back with no end."

I smile back. "Mhm. You got that right." I lean up and kiss him slowly.

"You should come over tonight... My sister isn't going to be there..." He suggests.

I look up at him and smile shyly. "Do you really think my dad would let me go over your house, without any adult supervision?"

"I can get her to play along. Trust me." He winks.

I roll my eyes and snuggle up against him.


I open my eyes and look at Jack. He's so adorable when he's sleeping. His face reminds me of when we were kids, playing around, relaxing, having fun.

I raise my hand from his waist and softly stroke his face. He softly moans and I giggle. He's just too cute. I can't hold myself back anymore. I lean forward and softly kiss him and I am surprised to get a response, he's kissing me back.

I lean back and smile as he opens his eyes. "Hello Mr.Sleepyhead."

He smiles back at me and wraps his arm around my waist. "Hello Ms. Bedhead."

I laugh and wrap my arms around his neck. "Very funny." My response is dry and sarcastic.

"I know. I'm hilarious." I snort and nod in agreement.

I stretch out and look over at my bedside clock. 10:30. "We should probably go downstairs..."

"Alright..." He looks at me mischievously. "Not before I do this though!"

"Wha-?" Jack kisses me long and hard effectively shutting me up.

My body instinctively responds and my fingers are curled in his hair. He moves on top of me and presses me down onto the bed, still kissing me. In this moment I feel cherished.

Would my life be the same without him? No. Not in a million years.

We are still kissing. It is so amazing. I moan in pure pleasure and joy.

He smiles and pulls back a little bit. "You look so beautiful and sexy right now."

I blush. "No, I'm not, I'm just an ordinary girl."

He shakes his head and sighs. "You really don't know how much you mean to me do you?" He stares into my eyes with love, "MacKenzie Marie Turner, you are most definitely not an ordinary girl. You are an extraordinary girl. That is why I love you. You are funny, sexy, beautiful, and god dammit the love of my life. If something happened to you, it would be like the world was ending for me." He pauses. "Please. I beg you, please. Never say those words again. You are everything but ordinary."

I am touched by his words. "Okay. I promise I won't say it ever again." I rub my nose against his and kiss him softly. "I love you."

"Good..." He kisses me back. "I love you too Kenzie joon."

We both get up off the bed and walk towards the door. On the way I grab my shorts and pull them on. We walk downstairs and there stands my dad looking... Mad?

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