Chapter 22

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Kenzie's POV

I'm in the back of my uncle's car, my head resting on Bella's lap while she strokes my glubella.

IM KIDDING! Wish I could've seen your faces!

Anyway, back to the story.

I'm in the back of my uncle's car, my head resting on Bella's lap while she strokes my hair, trying to calm me down, not that I'm upset, I'm actually really happy and excited. I mean, it's not like I actually saw the bastards face, so I'm good.

"Kenzie." Bella says looking down at me.

I look up at her and hum in response.

"What happened... While you were with them?"

I sigh and close my eyes. "Nothing really. I woke up and we stayed in the old house a couple of days, Sarah told me she had forgiven me some time ago and told me she would help me get out, next thing I know, you're waking me up and we're on our way home."

I open my eyes and see that she's crying again. I sit up and wrap my arms around her tightly. "We were all so worried about you Kenz... Jack... He shut down, completely. When we went to that house and you weren't there... He passed out out of shock and loss. He wasn't Jack, Kenzie."

It hurts, it hurts so bad knowing he was in that state. But is it wrong that I'm happy that he cared enough to be like that? I knew he love me... But I didn't know how strong till now.

I let out a small sob and notice the fact that I'm crying. Bella pulls me into a hug and rubs my back. "I- I..." I try to speak but I just can't find the words.

"Sh.. It's alright. Now you know how much he truly loves you." She whispers in my ear.

"Where is... where is he Bells? Is he okay?"

"He's at home with Mary. I'm pretty sure she told him we found you so... Yeah. I think he's just fine."

I smile and nod, wiping away the last of my tears and look out the front window to see...


I smile and start to itch with excitement. I get to see mom, dad, the twins, Erik, even though it seems like we hate each other in reality we're joined at the hip.

"How's my brother?" I ask her.

"He was wrecked, practically as bad as Jack." she replies.

Before the car even stops, I hop out and try my best to run up the porch stairs, throwing myself at the door and opening it.

My family stands there, staring wide-eyed at me. As if in slow motion, the twins take a second and squeal before running up to me and jumping onto me.

"KENZIE!!!!!!" Julie screams.

"Hi baby girl." I say chuckling. I look over at Liese and see that she is about to cry, her bottom lip is trembling. "Hey, hey, it's okay." I soothe, kissing her on the forehead.

I hear her gasp as if she wasn't expecting to actually feel me. "Kenzie?" She breathes.

I laugh. "I swear sometimes you act to old for your age kid."

She smiles brightly at me and hugs me tighter. "You're home." She whispers.

I nod and pull them closer to me, feeling tears of my own start to build up.

After a couple moments the want to be put down, so I do as they request and as soon as I'm standing straight again, my mom attacks me, pulling me into her and kissing my face multiple times, tears slipping down her face. "My baby girls home. She's safe. Oh Kenzie!" She cries, holding me even tighter.

My dad joins our hug and I'm in what I like to call a parent sand which. Usually, I would object but now, I couldn't care less. I was home, where I belonged. My dad is quietly mumbling things that I don't quite understand, but I know he's just happy I'm home.

When my parents pull away, I look around the room and spot him. I walk over to him and he pulls me in his arms. I let out a laugh and cry into his chest, while he rubs my back.

"I missed you so much Kenzie." Erik whispers, swaying back and forth a bit.

"I heard." I whisper back, pulling back a bit to look into his dark eyes. "Love you bro."

He smiles weakly at me and nods, being to choked up to say anything. I put my head back onto his chest and calm down to the steady beat of his heart.

"Are you tired?" he asks. I nod into his chest and he carefully picks me up, watching for my ankle.

I look up at Erik and smile. "See, I knew you loved me." I say sleepily.

He looks down at me and smiles. "Shut up Little Sister." I roll my eyes and put my head back on his chest. Shortly after, he sets me down on my bed and tucks me in. he kisses my forehead and pulls me into a hug once more. "Love you Kenz. I promise I'll protect you from now on."

"You don't have to protect me." I grumble.


"I was injured! You know any other day I would have kicked their asses!"

He laughs. "Calm down. I know. I'll wake you up later."

I nod and rest my head back on my pillow, closing my eyes and instantly falling asleep.

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