Chapter 5

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So we went on a shopping spree.

I ended up getting 5 dresses, all a variety of colors, of course. My favorite being a black, strapless, short, ruffling dress that went about to my mid-thigh, while I was in the dressing room I sent Jack a pic of me in it and instantly got a response, "God damn! Babe, you look really sexy... Might be my new favorite. ;) I am one lucky son of a bitch to have such a beautiful and sexy girl."

His response, as usual, makes me smile.

When we finished, Alexis getting 6 dresses that all complemented her figure extremely well, we headed back to the car, joking around as we usually did.

As soon as we got to the car, an idea struck me. "Hey Lex... Would you mind if I switched my outfit to the black one? In the back?"

She nodded and smiled at me knowingly, knowing exactly why I was doing this.

I quickly climbed in the back and slipped the purple dress off, struggling to find the right bag, I finally find that right one and take the black dress out, replacing it with the purple one in the bag.

I slipped on the dress and murmured quietly, "God this dress is like silk." I quickly try to crawl to the front but I am stopped by Alexis.

"Forgetting something?" She asked causally. I looked down and saw nothing wrong.

"What?" I ask, utterly confused.

She sighed and pointed to her shoulder, I looked over at my shoulder and noticed I still have my bra on.

I slightly blush and slip back into the back of the car. I reached behind me and pulled the dress down slightly so that I could unclip my bra. I pull the dress back to it's orginal place and crawl back to the front.

"Somebody's looking like she's on fire." Alexis comments while fanning herself. I roll my eyes.

"You are so corny. Come on! I wanna see his reaction to the dress." I squirm in my seat impatiently.

"Okay, okay. God, don't get your knickers in a twist." I giggle and soon we are both having a full on laughing fest.

"Did you seriously just say that?" I ask breathlessly.

"Yes, yes I did."

When we were stopped by a red light I noticed we were laughing so long that I could see the football fields by now.

Did we really drive this far? God, we must have been laughing longer than I thought. In the distance I see 4 figures running towards us all hooting and pushing each other and farther back I see 3 figures which must be Anna, Chrissy, and Bella.

Finally the light turns green. Alexis moves the slightest bit farther up onto the bridge when we hear the squeals of tires.

I look over just in time to see a mini-van crash into the side of Alexis' car and we fall along with the van, down into the woodlands of Pennsylvania.

At that moment, I scream, and for a split second it feels like there is no gravity, but then, we slam down into the ground hard. I squeeze my eyes shut and scream in pain and agony. I swear I just heard something snap. I look over at Alexis and only see an airbag.

"Lex?" I croak. No response. "Lex? Can you hear me?" No repsonse, she isn't moving. "Alexis!?"

I hear a soft moan and I am relieves. "Kenz-"

"Oh my god! Lex! Are you okay?" I try to reach out and move the air bag away so I can see her, but my arm doesn't respond. No... Fuck no... My arm cannot be broken... I try to move my other arm and it immediately moves. Thank god...

"Can't move... So tired..." She sounds like she's about to pass out. NO!

"Don't go to sleep, Lex. Don't give in. Hold on. I'm going to get help." She moaned in response and I quickly began to scramble to unbuckle my seat belt. I push against the airbag and feel for the door handle. I finally find it and push the door open with all my might. As soon as my door is open I fall out of the car and collapse on the ground. As soon as the woods around me stops spinning, I shakily crawl over to the car again and reach for my purse beneath the airbag. I find it and pull out my phone.

I quickly dial Jack's number and call him. He answers immediately.

"KENZIE! OH MY FUCKING GOD ARE YOU ALRIGHT??!! IS ALEXIS OKAY? WHERE ARE YOU?" He shouts worriedly into the phone.

"I think my arm is broken but don't worry about me. Alexis can't move and is going to pass out at any moment I need you here ASAP." I say shaikly on the verge of tears.

"Don't cry baby. We'll be there soon. I can see you from the top of the hill." I look up and sure enough there are 7 figures running frantically towards us.

I hear a twig snap from behind me and I turn around.

I drop my phone and stare wide-eyed at the person behind me, feeling a scream build in the back of my throat.

It's him. The ugly old man smiling down at me.

I scream.

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