Chapter 11

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Arrowpaw's eyes met her mentor's, he seemed to have aged in the last two moons, but yet again, she probably had too.

"It's good to see you again." He meowed, and Arrowpaw lashed her tail giddily. "Who is this with you?"

"Lumina." The former kittypet meowed.

"Well Lumina, I see that you are the missing piece in our prophecy."

The expression on her face was priceless. "What? I... I..."

"You're flattered and are coming back with us to the clans." Seedstrike finished, frustratedly striding forward with Goldenwhisker following.

Arrowpaw's heart sank as she didn't see Mothpaw with them, turning to look at the setting sun, to get back to the clans, they would have to go towards the rising sun.

Creekstep waved his tail, signaling for what remained of the patrol to follow him. Arrowpaw thought about every cat that they lost on the journey, Umberheart, Spreepaw, and Mothpaw. So many innocent lives lost. However, they had found the light, and now they could go home.


Arrowpaw looked around, she was in a new place, a place she had never been. To her left, there was a dark misty forest, one she didn't dare go. On her right, she saw a glittering glowing and inviting forest.

The Moonclan apprentice pricked her ears at the sound of cats approaching, scared of who they might be, Arrowpaw ducked behind a nearby bush.

A familiar cat was standing where Arrowpaw was a moment ago, she had dark brown fur and green eyes. Spreepaw!

Another cat melted out of the shadows to greet her. "You have failed us Spreepaw." He spat, "You tried to take the wrong life and ended up taking none!"

"I'm sorry!" She wailed. "I really am!"

"It doesn't matter." The cat scoffed. "You won't be permitted in the Dark Forest, Spreepaw. You are a failure."

Suddenly, a starclan cat padded up, she had dappled tortoiseshell fur, and a strict look on her face.

"Maplesong!" The Dark Forest tom purred. "It is so good to see you again!" The sarcastic response was met with a harsh glare from Maplesong.

"Spreepaw I don't know why you are still here, you should be headed back to the Dark Forest with Bramblebush."

Bramblebush shook his head. "She is not coming with me, the Dark Forest is no place for cats who fail."

"A cat who attempts to murder innocent cats while betraying them isn't exactly Starclan material, you of all cats should know Bramblebush."

The tom huffed. "If she can't be accepted anywhere her soul will just float aimlessly until it finds a place, are you sure that's what you want?"

Fear was seen in Spreepaw's eyes. "Please." She meowed to Maplesong, "Let me come with you!"

Both cats' glares turned stone cold, then Maplesong stalked away without another word.

"C...can I stay?" Spreepaw whimpered.

Bramblebush only laughed. "No! You are leaving, your replacement is here." With a wave of his tail, Spreepaw evaporated with a wisp of smoke. The Dark Forest tom's amber gaze met hers.

"Hello Arrowpaw. I hope you'd consider joining us, and I would think before you say no." His voice was like claws digging into her chest, and she flinched away.

"I won't help you." She meowed, trying to keep her voice sturdy. She gulped as the muscular warrior's claws slid out.

"Get away from her!" A caterwauled, throwing herself at Bramblebush.

"Maplesong!" Arrowpaw exclaimed.

"Get out of here Arrowpaw!" She yowled. "It's not safe!"


"You wake up!" The words wake up echoed through her brain as Arrowpaw was brought back to reality. The cold night air blew against her fur, and then she remembered where they were.

The patrol had only been traveling for two days, and they had stopped to rest for the night. Not wanting to fall back asleep, Arrowpaw sat up and began grooming herself.

Goldenwhisker and Seedstrike were curled up together, while Creekstep was sleeping nearby. However, Lumina and Bearpaw were nowhere to be seen. Their scent was easy to find, and soon, Arrowpaw found the two in a small meadow nearby.

It reminded her of their first meeting, when Bearpaw took her the secret spot beside the gathering spot. He curled his tail over her shoulders, just as he was doing to Lumina now. She could tell by the way that he held her it was more special than when he held her.

"This is really nice Bearpaw." Lumina mewed. "If it's all like this I'm really going to enjoy clan life."

"You'd like it anyways." He purred. "I hope you will join Sunclan with me, Moonclan is just a bunch of shady furballs."

Anger flooded through Arrowpaw at Bearpaw's words. Did he think that she was a shady furball too?

"Is Moonclan Arrowpaw's clan?" Lumina asked, resting her head on Bearpaw's shoulder.

"Yeah." He said, pausing as he cherished the moment.

"Then I will definitely join Sunclan with you. After all, Arrowpaw killed your sister, and your mentor."

Arrowpaw stifled a gasp. Lumina was spreading lies about her! She knew that she didn't kill Umberheart, and she most definitely didn't kill Spreepaw, so why wouldn't Bearpaw object.

Angrily, Arrowpaw lashed her tail and stormed back to the rest of the warriors. A snake like voice crept into her mind.

"Will you join us now?"

Updating twice in one day! I might even update again today...

Anyways, enjoy the rest of Eclipse!

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