Double Trouble (5) (Cassie?!)

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(Jesse's POV)

Jessica fell asleep and we were watching the movie, we decided to watch a horror movie because we just felt like it. A little in the movie I looked outside the window and saw a person with a black cloak watching us. It was staring right at Jessica. I got up, and checked if anyone was outside. Sure enough, the cloaked figure was there.

They were holding a axe and I saw red hair poking out of the hood. "Who are you?" I asked. "I'm someone that's seeking revenge!" The figure said as it swung the axe at me. I quickly got out of he way. I managed to grab the cloak and pull it back and when I saw who the cloaked figure was my jaw dropped.

"Cassie?!" I exclaimed. "Heh, smarter then you look" She said back. "You kept me trapped and now I must end you." She hissed while swinging the axe at me. I quickly got away again. I heard the door open and then I felt someone put a sword in my hand.

"Thought you might need my help!" Said Jessica. "Thanks! I needed it!" I replied back. Jessica got out her sword and got ready for any sudden movement. "Aww, that's cute! A sister helping her brother." Cassie said sarcastically. We both stared at her like how did she know we were twins.

Cassie suddenly hit Jessica with her axe. Jessica let out a yelp in pain. She fell onto the ground, and stayed there. "Go get Cassie" She said. I managed to hit Cassie once with the sword but she drank a potion of healing and ran away.

I looked at my sis, we needed to get her to Ivor quick! I opened the door to let the guys know we were going to Ivor's house. "Guys! Guys! Cassie returned and she attacked me and Jessica! She hit Jessica in the leg with her sword! I exclaimed. "What!" They yelled.

We all ran outside to see Jessica sitting up with a gash on her leg. She needed help. I picked her up and put her on top of my shoulders and Me, Jessica and the whole order walked to Ivor's house.

(Jessica's POV)

Pain. Pain was all I could feel. Jesse and the gang were taking me to a person called "Ivor" I don't know who he is, but I trust my friends and brother. After a couple of minutes of walking we made it to a skull shaped house with incased lava pouring out of it. Petra knocked on the door.

Which Ivor opened immediately. "Oh hello! I wasn't expecting you! Come on in!." Someone said in a deep voice. "Ivor! We need your help and explain a few things!" Jesse said. Ivor looked over Jesse's shoulder to see me. Ivor looked at Jesse and invited us in.

"So Jesse and Petra! You're back and you brought someone with you!" Ivor said. "Yeah! Long story short, She's my twin sister!" Jesse exclaimed. Ivor looked at me and Jesse for a while before Petra yelled. "She needs help! Her leg is bleeding! Petra exclaimed. "Right! Of course" Ivor aid while grabbing a potion of healing and cloth.

I looked at my leg, the pain was almost unbearable. "This might sting a little." Ivor warned. I nodded. "He put a little bit of the potion on the cloth then my leg. It's stung! I bit my lip to prevent myself from screaming.

But the all the pain stopped. "There all finished! You're pretty brave! Most people pass out due to the pain" Ivor laughed. I smile. "Thank you so much!" I exclaim moving my leg a little. "It was no problem at all! Also, your walk will look like a limp for a while." He said.

I nod and then let out a small yawn. "Well I'm tired and I'm going back to the temple ahead. I'll see you later." I said as I walked out the house into the night.

As I walked through the town I couldn't help but think about how my life changed in many many ways? 1 week ago I found out I had a twin brother and our birthday is the next day! I got to the temple, want inside, changed my clothes and went to bed.

(3rd Person POV)
After Jess left the rest stayed at Ivor's a little while longer. "So Ivor.. How was your little vacation with Harper?" Jesse teased. Ivor's face went a light red. "I-It was fine..." Ivor replied. The others laughed.

"Okay, I'm gonna stop giving you a hard time." Jesse said, patting Ivor's back.

(Writer's Note)

Hey guys!!! I know you might be thinking where are Jesse and the rest of the gang well they came home a little while after Jessica fell asleep. Oh yeah! It's the twin birthday! I'll do a party with at least one ship confessing! Woo!!! I'll see you guys tomorrow! Have a nice day!

(Edited Version)
There you have it Ice Cream Warriors! The edited version of this chapter. #StillcryingoverthefactthatIeasahorriblewriterbackthen

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