(Double Trouble) (16) (Chipped)

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(No one's POV)
"I'll take it from here." Cassie said. "Ha! Told you that dipping the chips in potions of invisibility will make the chips disappear so their friends won't see them." A girl with a hoodie said. "Yeah.." Cassie said turning on the control panel. "Okay so how does this work?" The girl said. "Okay so I turn the panel on and they should wake up under of control." Cassie said turning the chips on. "You control Jess." Cassie said handing another panel to the hoodie girl. "Okay thanks!" Said the girl grabbing the panel. Cassie and the girl turned on the panel and Jesse and Jess stood up. "Wait what about their eyes? Are they gonna be red?" The girl asked. "Nope!" Cassie replied. They made Jesse and Jess face them. The hooded girl did a small gasp. "What's wrong?" Asked Cassie. "Everything It Fine." she replied. "Kay!" Cassie replied. "Let's look at their memories." Cassie said. "Sure." The girl said. After a while of searching the girl came across something. "That's cute. They each have a lover." Cassie said in a mocking tone. "Ha! Good one Cass!" The hooded girl said. "Okay should we send them home?" Asked the girl. "Yeah! Let's send them off to Beacon Town." Cassie said. They both controlled Jesse and Jess to go to he horse and ride home to their friends. "This is gonna be good!" Cassie said with a smirk on her face.

(Time skip when "Jess" and "Jesse" return home)
(Petra's POV)
I woke up to he sound of the temple door knocking. I get up and open up and to my surprise Jesse and Jess are there! "You guys are back!" I Said. Jesse and Jess smiled. "Heck yeah!" Jess yelled. I hugged Jess and Jesse. They hugged back. "Man I've missed you!" Jesse said. "Aww Thanks!" I replied. I let them inside. "So how did it go?" I asked. "Good! We got the medicine and Jess is doing better!" Jesse said. "Yeah! I feel so much better!" Jesse exclaimed. I smiled. "You guys are back!" We heard Olivia exclaim. "Hey Olivia! I thought you and Axel left for Boom town and Redstonia!" Jesse said. "Nah! It's too cold. So we decided to stay." Olivia said. "Did we tell you that Ellie is alive?" Jesse said. "Wait.. no!" Liv exclaimed. They told her the story. "Well that's great! Redstonia will explode with excitement!" Olivia said. We all laughed. Jesse and Jee looked tired. "You guys tired?" I asked. "Yeah.." Jess said. Jesse was looking down. "Hey Jesse? What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing just thinking about stuff." He replied. "I'm going to mine and Jesse's room." Jess said. "See you guys later." Jess said. When Jess left Axel walked in. "Mornin! Holy TNT! Jesse you're back!" Axel exclaimed. "Yeah!" He replied. Me, Olivia and Axel talk. Jesse silently listens. I saw his eyes go red but I shook it off thinking it was part of my imagination. A couple of minutes later Lukas comes in. "Mornin Guys!" Lukas says. "Morning." We all day back. Lukas says Jesse. "You guys are back!" Lukas exclaimed. "Yeah. If you are wondering were Jess is she is in her room." Jesse said. "Okay." Lukas said. I noticed something different about Jesse he seemed blank. "Is there something wrong?" I asked him. He looked at me blankly. "I'm fine just a little tired from going to one place to another." He said. "Aww then you should go to sleep early." I told him. "Thanks Petra. I knew you'd understand." He said as he pulled in for a quick kiss. I give him a small one too. "Night Petra." He says. "Night Jesse." I said back. "Remember there is a blood moon tomorrow!" I reminded him. "Woo!" He cheered. I laughed.

(Time skip a three days later)

(Petra's POV)
I'm starting to get worried for Jesse and Jess. It's like everyday they are getting more and more bland! I mean they are usually all happy and bubbly and filled with sunshine and rainbows. But ever since then came back.. They've been too serious. Lukas, Axel and Olivia are worried too. Tonight me and Jesse have to do patrol and I found out that it was gonna rain. Jesse and I got our stuff ready. Me and Jesse didn't mind the rain so went out.

(No one's POV)
"Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap!!!" Cassie repeated. "What?" Asked the girl. "Jesse is going to the rain! The panel might lose connection!!" Cassie exclaimed. "Oh.. I can use my powers." The girl suggested.  "Powers?!" Exclaimed Cassie. "Here's the reason I never told you my name." the girl said. My name is Catherine but call me Cat." The girl said. She took off the hood reveling a black haired girl with rainbow dyed tips on her hair. "This necklace.. it allows me to turn into a cat." Cat Said. Cassie stared at her in awe. "Need proof?" Cat asked. Cassie said nothing. Catherine rubbed her necklace and a white mist went around her and she shrunk into a small black cat. "Holy Mother of Notch!" Cassie's Said. "Cat can you be like a half human half cat person?" Cassie asked. Catherine nodded. Catherine touched her necklace and she transformed in a teen girl but with cat ears and tail. "Need more proof?" She asked? "Nope!" Cassie said. Then hey heard an alarm go off. "No! We lot connection to the chip that's on Jesse!" Cassie exclaimed.

(Petra's POV)
I heard noise where Jesse was coming from but I shook it off. I look at him. He is holding something. "Jesse? Are you okay?" I asked. "This is what got me and Jess." He whispered. "Wait... you were CHIPPED?!" I exclaimed. "Yeah... me and Jess." He replied. "How did we not see it?" I asked. "Potion of invisibility." He replied. "We gotta go get Jess!" He exclaimed. "Yeah. We have to make her come out here!" I Said. I rush inside. "Where's Jess!" I yell. "In her room.. why?" Lukas ask. "We'll tell you later." I said rushing into Jess's room. "Come outside!" I yelled. "Isn't it raining?" She asked. "Your brother was shot by a skeleton." I lied. "Oh crap!" She said getting out of her bed. Me and Jess go outside and me and Jesse hear static noises. Jess was now holding the chip.
"Ugh.. my head hurts." She muttered. "Jess!! Are you okay?" I asked. "Apart from a headache and wet from the rain, I'm fine." She replied. "We should go inside." Jesse says. "Yeah.. Let's go." Jess said.

(Writer's Note)
Hey guys! Dani here!! I know it was wrong unchipping them this part. But I just wanted to continue with the story! I also wanna say THANK YOU so so so so so so sooooooooo much for 200 reads!!! Stay cool as ice cream. ❤️😁❤️

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