Part 1

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Lauren's POV

I sighed a tired breath from waking up so early this morning. Today is my first day of college where I've already been to one of my classes. I left the math building and I headed onto my second course of the day. The class I walked into now was a giant lecture hall. I'd never seen a classroom so big, but this room could fill up with about 200 people.

With so many spaces to sit, I decided to go with a safe choice in the middle. That way I wasn't at the very front of the class or in the back where it was impossible for me to see. So far my day has been pretty boring. At least, it was. But my mind instantly went into contradiction when I saw a cute boy walk in and head in my direction.

He was tall, with brown hair. As he walked closer I could see that he had brown eyes that were looking right at me. His lips curved as he started to smile at me, revealing his deep indented dimples.

"Hi, is this seat taken?" He spoke with a voice that oozed confidence but fragility all at once.

I didn't answer right away, but then I snapped myself back into reality to prevent myself from looking stupid in front of him.

"No it's not taken! You can sit here." I said smiling back at him shyly.

He set his backpack on the floor and his notebook on the desk. As he took his seat, the scent of his cologne lingered with the breeze that had passed. He looked at me friendly.

"I'm Tyler by the way." He said once again flashing a cheeky smile.

"I'm Lauren," I said as he put his hand out to shake mine.

Our professor barged in seemingly flustered about it being the first day. He quickly came in and dropped his stuff on the desk up front. Tyler leaned over towards me and began to whisper.

"Well, I guess I'm not the only one who struggled to wake up this morning. Even he doesn't want to be in history class and he's the teacher who gets paid for this." He said as I laughed lightly with him.

The girl in front of us turned her head around quickly giving him a dirty look after his comment. He put his hands up in defense and shrugged his shoulders. Once she turned back around, I leaned over to him and whispered even quieter.

"Well, I suppose she struggled too."

"I guess I just don't make friends as quick as you do. Which unfortunately for you means that you are obligated to be my friend in here." He replied back quickly.

For the first time, I stared at his eyes noticing they were almost gold because of how light they were. 

"And why am I obligated to do that?" I said with a smile.

"Because you seem way to nice to let me be friendless in a big class like this. Who am I supposed to talk to? And you also strike me as the shy type. I gotta get you to be not so shy around me."

Before I even got the chance to respond our professor spoke up loudly.

"Now despite what you think, this class will be much more difficult than you anticipate. There are rules that will not be broken in this class. Number one being I want no phones out during the time we are in this class. Second, absolutely no talking because we have a lot to cover in this class-" the professor continued to speak but I tuned out what he was saying when I saw Tyler rip out a page in his notebook.

He folded the paper in half and wrote on it quickly. I was curious as to what he could have been writing down when the only thing the teacher had mentioned was two rules. But then he slid the paper over to me, leaving it on my desk.

I looked down at what he had written.

Tyler- Well, I guess since we can't talk in this class you're gonna be my friend who I pass notes to in class... Like kids. Besides, the shy side of you might find this easier

I smiled and bit my lip as I looked down. He looked straight ahead but I could see a smirk growing on his face. I grabbed my pen and wrote back, surprised at how easy it was for him to see through me.

Lauren- You're just gonna pass notes with a stranger in class now?

I put and slid the paper back to him. He had no hesitation in writing back.

Tyler- You're not a stranger. You're Lauren. The nice girl who sits next to me in history class.

We continued passing the note back and forth in class. I don't think  I spent a single moment paying attention to what the professor had said.

I was intrigued by him. He seemed happy on the surface but I could tell that there was a lot more to him. I've learned something that has been consistent time and time again. The people who seem the happiest on the outside are usually the same people who are in immense pain on the inside. He just made college more interesting.

My phone buzzed and I looked down at the screen.

Instantly all happiness I felt faded as I looked at the name on my phone. It was him.

Authors Note:
I WILL UPDATE FREQUENTLY! Most likely a few times a week. I hope you guys enjoy this story and stick around to see how the characters of Lauren and Tyler both develop. And to see who it is that has hurt Lauren before. I will respond to all comments and I hope you guys enjoy(: thank you for everything

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