Witness (boyxboy)

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Many people don't believe in aliens. Many do, but not believing starts to become out of the question when the aliens you always denied existed come to you for help.

That was what happened with Earth.

For the longest time, scientists were either convinced aliens existed or looked down upon those that did believe. However, they were pretty hard to ignore when their large population crash landed on Earth. They weren't trying to hurt the humans. Humans weren't trying to hurt them. In fact, despite everything, many people welcomed them with open arms. They did the same for the humans.

In exchange for their kindness, they advanced human technology, medical studies, and everything humans have ever known.

You see, they were running. A different race, one made of pure evil and sought out nothing but more wealth chased them off of their own planet. They abandoned their homes and everything they knew in order to survive. Most of them lost it all, but tried so desperately to live.

At first, the government wanted to keep this under wraps, but decided to reveal their presence in order to help us advance as a species. You see, majority of the alien species had been genetically engineered, marked only by tattoos of varying design, color, and size.

However, there was one way to tell humans apart from these aliens. All humans have brown eye color. Any other color means they are not of human origin. Sure, it wasn't always like that, but with genetic engineering comes the human need to define things. Isn't that how the saying goes? That's beside the point. Basically, humans wanted to be able to tell the difference between their own kind and the aliens. The governments around the world simply complied to their whims.

Of course, the entire planet didn't throw the aliens one big welcome party. There is always those who hate the ones who are different. Being aliens doesn't change that. Suddenly, being gay or transgender or even foreign didn't matter. All that mattered was whether you were human or not.

It was hardly fair, but it was to expected. After all, the entire view of life itself was changed in an instant. I know a lot of it was for the better, but that doesn't mean everyone was okay with change. In fact, some people hate change, whether it's for the better or worse.

That is what formed Alienator. Formally a simple word found in every dictionary, it became every aliens worst nightmare.

Alienator is a large organization dedicated to exterminating all alien life on earth. Of course it's illegal, but that hasn't stopped them. They still live up to their name, buying off cops and tricking kind and innocent people into joining them. Everyone is too scared to stand up to them or doesnt care enough to. Either way, nothing is being done, but that's human nature for you.

Yeah maybe this isn't the most believable story out there, but you didn't decide to read this to be convinced, did you? You want to be entertained. Fascinated. Well, I guess you're in luck. You happened to click on the right one.

I wish I could say that this story is just a regular star-crossed lovers story, but that's not the case. There's never a cut and dry way to tell these kinds of stories. Yeah, it may be the same basic sort of plot, but it's never so simple to end with deaths. The thing about people is that, if they feel strongly enough, a death won't affect them. You'd be surprised how little sympathy people actually have if you're not like them. Sometimes it can make a difference. Sometimes you end up as just another casualty. That's the thing about war. The individual doesn't always matter. But, since I've already started, I might as well tell you the way things really happened. Not the way history will make it out as.

My name is Conrad. I'm a Dakarian, an alien.

Welcome to my version, the real version of the story.


Welcometomystory! Thankyouforclickingonit! ^-^ IhopeyouenjoywhatI'vegotinstore! Oh, andneverbeafraidtocomment (unlessit'smean)! Ihopeyounuggetsenjoyedthis prologue! Hopefully, I'll see youinthenextupdate! Bai!!! >:3


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