Life keeps going on ( one)

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                                                              Mindy's POV

What did I do to get stuck here at Bramwood Academy .I miss him a lot and now because of him or me I'm stuck. Too fast forward sorry ,I'll rewind it a bit : 7 months ago.

"Mini come  here , Come on I don't want to play games " Cameron Whined . I stood hidden "okay if you don't come out now I'm leaving you behind "He said in a serious tone.

I started giggling and came forward " If you left me we would have had serious problems" I said with a smile

"whatever now get get ass back in the car" Said Cam

Cam and I have been friends forever , well since kindergarten. He's my brother  ( In a way ) but really annoying . 

" how's your Dad ?" Asked Cam 

"well he could be better " i replied  " well at least your living with your mom she let's you go everywhere  without a question and plus you got a huge house" He said with a wink.

" I don't care " I snapped at him. I didn't mean to snap at him but hello my Dad is a very sensitive subject

The ride to the party was silent  I'm too busy to care. What happened if my dad never got better , or he falls off a cliff , or he just disappears!

"well we're here!" said Cam, he wouldn't even look at me " OK  I have to get home before 2 ,so don't stay too long"

I turned to look at him " hey look I-" I started " look it's fine , I get it" he told me as he got out of the car. This is going to be a party if he's not talking to me. He's already up the steps so I guess it's time for me to get out. 

"Mini your here ! " shouted Layla , I smiled while she pulled me into a bear hug " well like yeah , this is gonna be the party of the year i can't miss it" 

I noticed something was different about her , eyes no, hair no, clothes no, boyfriend ohh. " Layla where's Max??" I asked Her face dropped " well umm let's talk about it later" she promised . She didn't look promising but I dropped it . 

" you want a drink?' she asked me

 " what do you got ?"

"well we have beer, Fruit punch, Vodka and spiked fruit punch " she slurred

"i'll have the spiked fruit Punch" I answered 

After a while standing and talking , I turned only to find some hot guy behind me" whoa where you there the whole time" I asked making sure  my mouth wasn't reaching the floor. 

"No I saw you and wanted to say hi" He beamed at me 

"well hi , I'm uhh Mindy" I said 

" I'm Kevin , Nice to metcha " he whispered  , then turned to leave. 

" well looks like you have a new crush" Proclaimed  Layla

"okay you just  got to stop coming  out of nowhere " I exclaimed 

Layla and I started giggling and I noticed that Kevin was staring at me from the distance. " hey I know that look , you think he's creepy for staring at you, more look a sexy stare" Commented Layla. I snapped my head back to her " Girl that's not sexy it's creepy" I piped up. She gave me that doubtful look , I rolled my eyes and asked for the bathroom. 

Coming out of the bathroom ; I bumped right into him, I took a step back confused. " were like literally waiting for me to come of out of the bathroom? " I asked " he didn't respond but just keep staring and I was getting very uncomfortable. I pushed him back and he seemed to snap out of it. He just grinned at me ; I was so confused." why are you-" " you have the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen" he whispered in my ear as he walked into the bathroom  his breath  on my neck sent chills on down  my back.

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