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     It hit him like a train. He, Liam Payne, had a son. No, he was not married. No, he was not dating a woman. He hooked up with a woman, sure, but he didn't want a commitment. Do you know what a son is? It's a fucking commitment. He didn't want to be known as that guy, who hooked up with a chick, and ended up with the kid. That guy, who was the single father with no time for his kid. That guy, who everyone frowns upon.

     Liam was raised in a household with an absent fatherly figure, and a mother who was there physically, but not mentally. Growing up sucked, it that house. They survived - Barely - Off of his older sisters' small salaries.  They shared a small apartment with two bedrooms, Liam and his mother shared one, his sisters shared the other. Things finally looked up, when his father's brother had us move in with him. Liam's mother snapped out of her absent trance, and got a job.

     Liam didn't want this kid to have a bad childhood, liken to his own. Sure, he wasn't the poorest guy in the world, Liam had a good amount of money, but not enough to never work again. He wanted - Liam wanted so badly - To give the child to foster care, but then what? He ends up in an abusive home, and ends up emotionally scarred? Liam wouldn't do that. So, yes, he would keep him. He didn't want to, but he would.

     Liam stopped his contemplative pacing, and looked at the small, sleeping child, who was sat on my couch. He was adorable. He had a small, round face, framed by brown, curly locks. He looked alot like his mother, who Liam had seen just an hour prior. His mother, Raine, was gorgeous. Curly, blond hair, bright, green eyes, and full, pink lips. If Liam hadn't been gay, he would have been in love with that girl.

     He knew that, yes, he was going to have to keep him, but he didn't know how to care for a child. He didn't even know how he was going to have to to care for him. He was too young to bring to preschool, but way too young to keep at home. He wouldn't be able to care for him, necessarily. He would figure it out on his own, he decided.

     He knew that, yes, he was going to have to keep him, but he didn't know how to care for a child. He didn't even know how he was going to have to to care for him. He was too young to bring to preschool, but way too young to keep at home. He wouldn't be able to care for him, necessarily. He would figure it out on his own, he decided.

     The small, adorable child opened his eyes, yawning sleepily. Liam's gaze snapped over to him, and he was taken back by the bright green of his eyes. The child looked relatively nothing like Liam, except for the brown hair, and skin color. He watched the child attentively, hoping he would just go back to sleep. The child, unfortunately, did not go back to sleep. He struggled, slightly sitting up, and gave a slobbery, toothless grin to his father. Liam noticed dimples in his cheeks, and his heart melted.

     Perhaps, having a son wouldn't be so bad, after all. It was just a child - It must be no harder than having a dog, or something like that. Liam picked up the bag that the kid's mother left with him, and opened it up. At the top, there was a letter. Liam could tell it was written quickly, as the hand written words were rather sloppy.


     You are probably very angry, and I am very, very, very sorry for dropping child on you like this - I never thought that this was how it would turn out. I only did it, because, I have no money to spare for a child. I left everything that you'd need for a few months in the bag, as well as his toys. His name is Harry. Harry Edward. Whether you give him the name Harry Edward Payne or not is up to you, but  it would probably be best if you did. I left his birth certificate in the bag. I took my name off of it, so he is fully yours. It was hard doing that, as they wouldn't let me, at first. Harry is almost two years old, born February 1.

     I do hope you raise him properly, he deserves a good home. Again, I apologize. You were unprepared for a son, and dropping him on you like this is probably shocking. Though, I hop you actually raise him, instead of giving him away. Foster homes can be cruel - As can orphanages. Our son - Scratch that - Your son deserves better than that. Please take care of him. I know I shouldn't request anything of you, as I've done enough damage, but please,  take good care of him. Again, I apologize. I am very, very, very sorry.

     I hope that, one day, you forgive me enough to let me meet him.


     Raine xx"

     Liam was furious - He couldn't believe it. She acted so calm - Or, at least seemed calm - After dropping son on him, without warning? It was preposterous. Liam searched through the bag, and found multiple pairs of clothes, several toys, and many necessities. He sighed upsettedly, sitting on the couch, next to the so called Harry Edward. He put his head in his hands, and sighed deeply, attempting to let it all sink in.

     He started sorting out his thoughts; He had a son. He was a single father. He was going to have mostly no help, what so ever, as he would be unable to have help. He needed to go to work, but he needed to watch his son. He was going to be a good father.

     The last thought was a decision he decided, and he decided that it would happen, no matter what it takes. He felt the child - Harry - Nudge his arm, and picked up Harry. Harry beamed up at him, and Liam smiled a bit. Maybe having him wouldn't be so bad, after all.

     He smiled, rocking the almost two year old boy. Harry gradually fell asleep, nestling into the warm hold of his father.


     Hopefully, it didn't suck too badly?

     - Mia xx

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