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A Telling of Tales

May 16, 2018

This is what I had called the index of my writings on the SR forum, after a lot of deliberation and contemplation. But let us start at the beginning.

When I finally decided to get around to making an index of my writings,  I could not think of what to call it. In an act of desperation, I even searched the net to see if there were any words that defined a list or a collection, anything that I could use. It was during one such search that I chanced across a page that set out a list of the collective nouns that so adorn the English language, some nice, some intriguing, a few were just okay and some that were downright funny.  But what caught my attention and had me intrigued were a list of nouns under the heading "some that might be" (I am not sure, even now, if they actually exist, or rather are used - the list included a balance of accountants, a body of pathologists, a number of mathematicians).

It got me thinking and that is how I decided to christen my index as A Telling of Tales. Now I am using it to name my collection of SwaSan stories. This collection consists of all those stories which draw so heavily on the serial tracks that they cannot be spun off as general fiction by a change of names or a slight tweaking of events, as anyone who has not watched the serial or has not followed it, would not be able to get the gist of the story.

 So here is the collection of my SwaSan tales:

Some are tiny, some are short and one is morose

And there are yet some which are quite long

Then there are letters which are epistles in prose

And a few are poems that you can make into a song

Some tell a story of love across space and time

And a couple are set in an alternate universe

But they all tell a tale, of a love sublime

Whether they are novels, stories, vignettes or verse

Some tell of young love and hope, also of dreams

Others about a love, lost and found again

For a time as we read, we live in their realms

Reliving moments we wish would forever remain

It could bring you joy, maybe a tear or two

It could make you smile or laugh aloud

But read on, my friend, for I write for you

And if you do like it, please leave a word

To any unsuspecting reader who stumbles onto this page and ventures to read my tales, I only hope it meets at least a tiny part of your expectations.



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