Prologue: Part 1

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"Why aren't you listening to me, I said that this coffee is too cold! Don't you know how to do your job right?" The young blonde woman yelled coldly as she squeezed the plastic cup, causing its hot brown contents to spill all over the smooth black counter and my uniform. 'I just got this cleaned this morning...' I thought to myself as I stared at my now coffee-stained uniform. "Hey, are you even listening to me?" She said, causing my attention to quickly go back to her.

"Ma'am, that's the hottest temperature we have. I can't make it hotter for you." I said in a calm voice even as I began to notice the hot coffee that was slowly spreading across the counter burning my arms.

I began to beg to God for her to just get done with her little tantrum. I always hated these kinds of customers that complained about every single thing you did. As she continued to blabber I pretended to pay attention to her by nodding and saying, "I know," every once and a while.

My gaze slowly drifted off of the woman as I looked at the window behind her, scanning all the people and cars passing by as the cool fall air quietly blew by, carrying some leaves along with it.

It was the middle of August and the leaves just started to turn beautifully into bright red, yellow, and orange colors with some occasional brown ones to add to the effect. I always liked it when the leaves started to turn, to me it meant that I would have to serve fewer rude customers, and more tips were given. I never really had enough money to buy something else other than food due to the low wage that my boss didn't consider raising one bit.

I turned my attention back to the woman, only to realize that she was no longer there, but replaced with a young man that looked around the age of sixteen. Before I even said a word, he began ordering.

"Uh, hi, can I get the hot chocol-" he coughed, interrupting himself. "Chocolate."

Another cough.

"Would you like to add anything or just the hot chocolate?"

"Uh.." He coughed again. "I'll have the whip cream with it, please."

"Ok. That will be a dollar-twenty, sir. Would you like a cough drop? You seem to have a really bad cough."


"Name, please?"


He handed me an exact amount to pay for the hot chocolate before heading to the farthest corner away from the country and sitting in a booth. He laid his head down, taking a small nap. I started to make the hot chocolate, but I soon noticed his arms are starting to pale.

"Uh, sir, can I get my order-"

I put a hand up, signaling for him to wait as I walked towards him. When I got to where he was sitting I could hear his loud and uneven breaths. I gently put my hands against his, but I suddenly got a wave of shock. He was much too cold. I gently began to shake him, but he grabbed my hand. I stumbled back in shock. I could barely hear his faint whisper.

" m-me."

"W-wait what do you-"

He threw up the contents of his last meal, collapsing onto the ground. A crowd instantly started to gather around, confused about what was going on. But, I politely told them to back away as I got my phone out and called my friend Jayden. He worked at the nearby hospital, so I knew he could do something about this.

"Yo, what up Wyld!"

The few friends I had called me Wyld because when I first met them back in Kindergarden I was, well, really wild back then. We didn't know how to spell it so it ended up being spelled like 'Wyld.' Ever since then, it stuck.

"Someone threw up and collapsed at my work place. He said his name was William, can you come over here and take him to the hospital?"

"Sure, but I need some information on him. What was he like before he threw up?"

"He was coughing a lot and seemed really cold and pale. He was breathing really heavily and couldn't speak in anything louder than a low whisper."

" could be the flu. I'll be there in a few, tell the other customers there to not sit anywhere near him. Remember to clean everything around him and things he touched. And wash your hands!"

"Ok, I will. Bye."


I put my phone back into my pocket and started to do everything he said before going back to work. Instead of dumping his hot chocolate in the trash, I decided to give it to someone else for free since it would be a waste of a good drink. Jayden came by a few minutes later with an ambulance and took William to the hospital.

The rest of the day went by like usual. Nothing happened since William collapsed and we closed down shop early. The boss said we had to and I didn't want to question him after I got a pay cut after I asked him for a day off.

When I walked outside the sun was setting, making the sky clash with reds, oranges, yellows, dark blues, and purples with a few clouds scattered in between. Twenty minutes later I was already in bed thinking about William, wondering if he was okay. Turns out, it was flu season. It was much worse around this time of year. The mayor was calling it a 'public health crisis.' I later received a text from Jayden saying that the hospital was completely full of people that had the flu and he had to work overtime to help with the huge influx of patients.

After talking to him a bit more I told him to go back to work and put my phone on the night stand. I turned off the TV and lights, flopping down on my bed. He didn't mention William, for some reason, which confused me. But whenever I tried to ask about him he would dodge the question and continue talking about something else. I settled down to sleep, my dreams plagued with hot chocolate and cough syrup.

So... How do you like the first chapter of my fanfic? Have any ideas on what happened to them? Have anything to say about my fanfic? Well other than that have a Nice day!

Mr. Mumbles

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