Prologue: Part 2

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"I love you!" A voice screamed behind me.

I hated my life.

Why couldn't fans give their idols some personal space? Do they not have common human decency? I mean, he does have good looks. But, other than that, there really was nothing else remotely pleasant about him. I began to do my usual job of telling them to back off and give him some space while nintey-nine percent of them ignored me and tried to push past me.

"People! Please give him some space or you will be escorted off the premises!"

"Can it, Shorty!"

"Hey! I may be smaller than you, but that doesn't mean I can't kick your butts from here to Hong Kong!"


I turned around to see my boss gently placing his hand on my shoulders.

"Look, I get that these fans can be a little much, but you have to work on your temper before you literally kick someone to Hong Kong," he gave a little chuckle before making a hand motion telling me to continue on our way.

Luckily, we got to the car without any other mishaps and we headed towards the hotel. In my opinion, that was my favorite part of the trip, mostly because there were no annoying fans following us around. The drive there was relatively short due to the fact that the hotel was just ten miles away. The scenery outside was pretty ordinary, my eyes lazily roaming around all the people, cars, and buildings passing by the window, a few interesting things catching my attention every once and a while.

The hotel was the usual extravagant and expensive building with a grand entrance and everything you expect a rich hotel to have. The young woman at the check-in counter gave us a nice greeting before handing us the key to the room, clearly not surprised that a pop star was here. Probably because she had seen hundreds before us.

After we unpacked all of our stuff our boss said that since we have three more days before we have to prepare for his concert, that we could go out in the city. We were allowed to casually tour the city, clearly forgetting to mention that we had at least fifty fans following us wherever we go. The first place we went to was a tiny ice cream parlor that seemed to be popular, because when we got there the wait was an hour long.

The rest of the trip consisted of us going from store to store looking at things ranging from cute plush toys to some 'adult toys' that my boss bought. I laughed internally. I knew for a fact that he had no one to use it on but he bought it anyways so he could be, as he said, "prepared." I, of course, replied in my head. "Prepared for something that won't happen!" I was proud of myself until I realized that I had said it out loud. The boss gave me the boy-I-control-your-income-don't-make-me-cut-it-again look all the way back to the hotel.

The next day was spent inside the hotel room watching television, going out for a swim in the pool at the back of the hotel, and eating piles of junk food like we usually did the day after we arrived in another city. The news had already spread that we were staying there and I had to escort out four fans in the past thirty minutes alone. It was around 7 o'clock when we decided to go out to eat for dinner, the sun just setting. It cast a beautiful trio of red, orange, and yellow tints across the horizon with purple and black soon replacing the once light blue sky before it. The restaurant wasn't one of the fancy restaurants that people think we go to. We all agreed that those restaurants were not our 'thing' and stopped going to those places about a year ago.

The last free day we had was spent getting rid of the massive hangovers each one of us sported. Being the idiots we were, we ended up drinking way to much alcohol and were nearly arrested for driving under the influence. The person the most affected was my boss, and it was in the worst way possible. He stripped down to nothing but his underwear, then proceeded to run to the terrace, leaning over the edge and yelling,

"I love all my fans!"

After that, he nearly fell off but somehow one of us was sober enough to keep him from dying and laid him down in bed. He then promptly passed out. What the freakiest part of the whole event was, was the fact that when we woke up all of us were in the same bed in only our boxers, cuddling each other like there was no tomorrow.

We decided to never speak of that again.

The concert went by smoothly without any mishaps and before we knew it we were packing up, heading towards our next city. The airport was unusually crowded and many people were wearing face masks because it was in the middle of one of the worst flu seasons in history. The flight was almost cancelled after both the pilot and the co-pilot got the flu but the airline was quick to find a replacement for them and we took off in the middle of the night.

Before the plane began to taxi I heard some chatter going around that they were canceling all flights but the flight attendants reassured everyone that we were going to take off at the scheduled time. I leaned back in my seat with a sigh, closing my eyes and trying to ignore the wailing of various babies on the flight.

So I finally got the second part of the prologue done after 3 days of just having the first part written. Other than that I got nothing else to say so see ya next Friday!

Mr. Mumbles

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