Nea x Reader - Reunited At Last

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||A/N: First off if you haven't caught up with the manga  WARNING SPOILER (Well...small one I guess..) But I'm sure mot of you  guys already know where this chapter idea came from, since the anime  isn't ongoing as the manga is...well ongoing slowly I decided to turn  this moment into a one-shot, so enjoy! Reason for the picture is cause  in this one-shot of course Nea is currently in control of Allen's  body.||

After Link who supposedly was said to be  dead saved Nea who was the one at the moment using Allen's body, from  being devoured by Mana - The Earl. He had then  pledged his alliance for The Fourteenth. This made you laugh as you  slowly woke up from the attack finally and slowly sat up.

"You think I'll believe that bull shit?" You asked.
"You..." Link muttered.

Standing  up to your feet you groaned a bit as your body still was rack in pain  as from nearly getting caught by The Order still bothered you, turning  around your (E/C) eyes glared rather coldly. You were fed up with these  people and the hate for The Order and anyone from Central was pouring  out without restraint anymore.

"Central just want's Nea to use don't they?" You asked.

Link's  eyes widen at the cold tone of your voice, then again he couldn't blame  you. As he watched you walk towards him and then stood in front of  'Nea' he saw your expression and knew that getting Nea's trust would be a  lot harder.

"Piss off watch dog, I'll be the one to protect Nea and Allen." You spat.

Nea  who was silently watching smirked at this, your personality didn't  change either despite being reborn in such a horrible way. But he did  catch the fact you added in Allen in the sentence although by now Nea  grew to understand and deal with the fact you also yearned for Allen  just as much as you still did for him.

"Give us a moment now would you?" You asked, glaring.

Link  was still shocked by your glare and mood so he moved away to check on  Johnny for a moment, turning around you looked down at Nea then sent him  a gentle smile. Crouching down to sit on your knees you soon had some  tears in your eyes.

"Nea..." You whispered.
"Hello, my love." Nea replied.
"You kept your promise, your back." You laughed a bit.
"I did, I might not be back fully but I'm here." Nea says.
"Hearing your voice is enough, seeing those yellow eyes of yours that I still love is enough." You explained.

Since  Nea was using Allen's body still to communicate with you he raised the  hand of someone else and cupped your cheek even if the feeling wasn't  the same the gentle careful touch was a bit familiar. It had been 35  years since you two reunited sure you heard his voice back when you were  still an exorcist but to actually have time to speak with him had been  far to long since the last time.

"I'm so sorry you suffered a lot without me there to care for you, help you through it." Nea frowned.
"It's  fine, I still started to remember you...even though my memories are  still slowly returning I still know we tried to be happy. We may have to  do it again but I'm more then happy to do it once more." You told him.
"This time I won't let you die, losing you all over again isn't something I'll bare." Nea says.
"I can't bare to lose you either.....but...." You tried but couldn't finish.
"You can't lose Allen either." Nea smiled sadly.
"I'm sorry...." You frowned.
"It's  fine, during the time I wasn't here the boy took care of you...and in  time he as well harbored feelings for you as well." Nea chuckled a bit.
"It's  so confusing, having such feelings for both men...I...I want to protect  the both of you! I know I may lose one of you and I can't bare that! I  don't want to decide one thing for one of you then hurt the  other....dammit this confusion hurts." You cried.

Your right  hand gripped your shirt where your heart was, it was so painful to be in  love with two guys who meant the world to you since you didn't want to  do something that helped one but would ended up hurting the other.

Even  though it wouldn't really feel the same for you, Nea wrapped Allen's  arms around you bringing you to his chest and held you in hopes to  comfort you. Sure you were in love with Allen but all Nea cared about  was the fact you still were in love with him. That gave him enough  reason to carry out the promise you to made together.

||Next One-Shot: Allen x Reader - First Meeting....||

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